Andy Billman

Andy Billman
Adjunct Faculty

Communication, Film and Media Studies Department
College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., Communication, University of Toledo

About Andy

Andy Billman is an award winning producer with a passion for sports and storytelling. Billman started at ESPN in July 2002, and he has worked on SportsCenter, The ESPYs, Playmakers, Tilt and Dream Job. Since 30 for 30Ӱԭs inception in 2009 he has been with the group working as a producer and director of documentaries for ESPN Films. He has worked on ӰԭThe Two EscobarsӰԭ, ӰԭWinning TimeӰԭ, ӰԭYoungstown BoysӰԭ ӰԭPlaying for the MobӰԭ and ӰԭBad BoysӰԭ. Additionally, heӰԭs produced other ESPN Films projects such as ӰԭThe AnnouncementӰԭ, ӰԭUnguardedӰԭ and ӰԭThe Book of ManningӰԭ. Andy has directed two documentaries for ESPN Films including ӰԭBelievelandӰԭ.

Andy Billman work as a producer has led to two Emmy winner awards, a Peabody Award and an NAACP award.