Emergency Procedures and Notifications

University Police Car

The University of New Haven takes great pride in providing a safe environment for students, faculty, staff and visitors. We routinely hold training sessions and classes about staying safe in dangerous situations, and there are a number of measures in place to ensure the security of our campus community.

Emergency Notification System: Sign Up and Keep Your Info Current

If a situation arises, either on or off campus, that in the judgment of the Chief of Police at the University of New Haven constitutes an ongoing or continuing threat, or if severe weather conditions exist, an Alert will be issued via the University's Emergency Notification System.

The system sends messages via text, email and voice. The University strongly encourages students, faculty, staff and parents to make sure their emergency contact information is current.

Emergency Notification System
Students Emergency Notifications are made to the contact information provided in your official student record in Banner.
Faculty, Staff, and Adjunct Faculty Emergency Notifications are made to the contact information provided in your employee record in Banner.
Parents, Families, and Community Members Emergency Notifications are made to the contact information provided on the following form.
Emergency Response Guide and Public Safety App

With the LiveSafe app, you have a fast and direct connection to the University of New Haven Police Department, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

Learn More