Claude Chereau, Ph.D.

Economics & Business Analytics Department
Pompea College of Business
DPS, Lubin School of Business, Pace University, 2009.
Major: International Business, Management
Dissertation Title: Ethanol in the U.S. Energy Mix: The Business of Ethanol and its Environment
About Claude
I am currently a practitioner-in-residence at the University of New Haven, and visiting lecturer at the Mountbatten Institute in New York. I aim at guiding future and current business leaders capture opportunities and manage risks deriving from economic, environmental, and social developments. My academic endeavors include past affiliations with Columbia University (School of International Public Affairs ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ“ SIPA) and Albertus Magnus College.
My research interests focus on trade issues between the US and EU, sustainable development, bioenergy, and integration of sustainable practices for international business to avoid the high cost of crisis management.
I have over 20 yearsÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ™ experience as an international trader leading the US development of trading companies in support of their global initiatives. I had particular exposure to the Americas, Europe, and South Africa, serving a wide range of industries including ethanol, energy, chemical, personal care, pharmaceutical, food, and beverage. I held the positions of Sales Director for Alcochem Inc., Product Director for JLM Marketing Inc., and Executive Vice President for the U.S. branch of Sofecia, Paris-based division of the Louis-Dreyfus Group. On the production side, I led the start-up of an ethanol dehydration plant in the Caribbean for the U.S. fuel market.
A native of France and US citizen, I received my doctorate and MBA from Pace University (NY), and B.A. from Otterbein University (OH). I hold a French Diploma of Accounting and Financial Studies delivered by the Academy of Creteil (France). I also participated in the executive development program "Insights on Competition and Innovation" at the NYU Leonard N. Stern School of Business, and was awarded an E-Business Development certificate from New York University.
Published Intellectual Contributions
Supply chain management and investment risk (co-authored with Dr. Schellhorn) International Journal of Business and Social Science, Vol. 5, No. 13, December 2014, pp. 45-52.
Biotechnology: can the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership reconcile EU and US differences on GMOs? International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, Vol. 7, No 4, 2014, pp. 316-338.
Conference proceedings:
Supply chain management and investorsÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ™ risk-return choice (co-authored with Dr. Schellhorn). Paper presented at NEDSI (Northeast Decision Sciences Institute) Conference, Philadelphia, March 2014. pp. 823-832.
Blog contribution: University of New Haven Economics Collective
"A vote for Europe, a vote against the extremists" (March 16, 2017)
After Brexit, Nexit? (February 20, 2017)
From the back of the line to the front: a US-UK trade deal? (January 30, 2017)
The new blow to the EU: the Italians vote ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ˜NoÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ™! Matteo Renzi resigns. (December 4, 2016)
The upcoming test for the EU: the Italian referendum (November 20, 2016)
Another referendum in the EU this Fall! (August 25, 2016)
Economics symposium at the Council of Foreign Relations (March 5, 2016)
Debating TPP for America and Connecticut in particular (February 19, 2016)
Climate change: how COP 21 addresses some French economistsÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ™ views on carbon pricing (January 21, 2016)
Trade and sustainable development (October 4, 2015)
Defining trade rules for the 21st Century (April 21, 2015)
Teaching note:
"Transboundary Environmental Governance in Canada and the United States," teaching note commissioned by the Centre of International Governance Innovation (CIGI), think tank on international governance, Waterloo (Canada), for their Portal for North America, August 2009.
Ethanol in the U.S. Energy Mix: the Business of Ethanol and its Environment. Doctoral dissertation available at the Birnbaum Reserve Library, Pace University, New York, NY New York, NY: Birnbaum Reserve Library, Pace University. May 2009
Presentations Given
Chereau, C., "Sustainability in international business: an application to the food and beverage industry." Annual Meeting of the Vinegar Institute, Coconut Grove, FL. (March 2014).
Chereau, C., "How the WTO can contribute to the sustainable development of biofuels," Research Forums at the University of New Haven, West Haven, Connecticut. (2011).
Chereau, C., "Greening Trade Corridors" (co-authored with Dr. Blank). CERES International Congress on "Energy for Sustainable Development in North America: Scope and Challenges," Puebla, Mexico. (March 2009).
Chereau, C., "Energy and Biofuels," FABC (Foreign Affairs Book Club), Greenwich, Connecticut. (2008).
Chereau, C. "Ethanol as a Biofuel". Guest Lecture in a MBA course on Global Economics of Energy. University of Connecticut. (2007).
Professional Service
Reviewer, Journal Article, Management Research Review Journal. (2015 - Present).
Refereed submitted paper.
Professional Positions
University of New Haven, Department of Economics
Practitioner-in-residence (2013 - Present), adjunct faculty (2010-2012)
Mountbatten Institute (2014 ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ“ Present)
Visiting lecturer, thesis supervisor
Albertus Magnus College. (2009 - 2016), CT. Adjunct Faculty
School of International Public Affairs (SIPA), Columbia University, NY (2010). Adjunct Faculty
Otterbein University, OH. (1978 - 1981). French Assistant
Consultant, Sustainability/International Trade/Biofuels. (2011 - 2014).
Proprietary research on global industrial ethanol market for biofuels producers looking to diversify their activities as US corn-based biofuels supply is reaching its regulatory cap. Review supply and demand, market drivers, forecasts, trade flows, international trade agreements, carbon footprint developments. Research on impact of sustainability on strategy/practices of the food and beverage industry for the Vinegar Institute.
Ethanol Sales Director, Alcochem, Inc. (2001 - 2006).
Built distribution profit-center in the US from ground-up introducing product sourcing from Brazil and South Africa. Spearheaded market analyses and developed multi-year business plans. Devised strategy and led all aspects of business development from initial contacts, business proposals, contract negotiations, and customer relationship management. Determined optimum pricing structure balancing global economic indicators with highly competitive domestic environment. Ensured effectiveness of global supply chain, including management and resolution of crisis resulting from explosion on transoceanic vessel at foreign loading port.
Director, Ethanol Products, JLM Marketing, Inc. (1999 - 2000).
Developed global strategic alliance with South African producer to penetrate the US market providing market and product intelligence. Drove performance in the marketing and operations areas with strong focus on customer-base development. Developed business strategic plans and pricing policy. Enhanced supply-chain effectiveness through safety, quality controls, and regulatory compliance. Matrix-managed 10 salespersons.
US Branch Manager/ Executive Vice President, Sofecia (Louis Dreyfus Group). (1985 - 1999).
Turnaround U.S. division performance of Paris-based trading company. Led financial and operations management, contract negotiations, and human resource development. Set-up U.S. channels of distribution for domestic and export markets. Overhauled financial systems and procedures to prepare financial statements in compliance with GAAP and French corporate requirements. P&L accountability. Due diligence sale of business to JLM Marketing, Inc.
Financial Auditor, Concorde Europeenne Audit France. (1983 - 1985).
Cost and Budget Analyst, Herckelbout Dawson S.A. Courbevoie. (1981 - 1983).
Courses Taught
- INTB 6644, ECON 2200
- eMBA: Sustainability & Ethics - Competing globally
- Global Business
- Biofuels
- Management in a global environment (Graduate, blended format)
- Operations Management (Graduate, blended format)
- Ethics in Business (Graduate, blended format)
- Management and Leadership (Graduate, blended format)
- Organizational Development (Graduate, blended format)
- International Business Management (Undergraduate, online format)
- Entrepreneurial Thinking (Graduate, online format)
- Graduate Writing & Research (Graduate, online format)