Elif Kongar, Ph.D.

Elif Kongar Image

Economics & Business Analytics Department
Pompea College of Business

Ph.D., Industrial Engineering, Northeastern University
M.S., Industrial Engineering, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
B.S., Industrial Engineering, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey

About Elif

An expert in industrial engineering and engineering education, Dr. KongarӰԭs research focuses on reverse supply chain management, reverse logistics systems, and economically and environmentally sustainable waste recovery systems and operations. She is a co-author of ӰԭResponsible Manufacturing: Issues Pertaining to SustainabilityӰԭ as well as ӰԭNutrition at the Crossroads: Food at the Intersection of Environmental, Economic, and Social Sustainability.Ӱԭ

She also studies female participation in engineering disciplines and K-12 STEM education.

Prior to joining the University of New Haven in 2022, Dr. Kongar served as served as associate dean of graduate studies at Fairfield University. Prior to that, she was chair of the Department of Technology Management in the School of Engineering at the University of Bridgeport.

She also previously served as a visiting scholar with the Center for Industrial Ecology in the YaleӰԭs School of Forestry and Environmental Studies and taught at Yildiz Technical University in Istanbul, Turkey.

Dr. Kongar serves as department editor of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersӰԭ peer-reviewed journal Transactions on Engineering Management. She is a member of IEEEӰԭs Professional and Educational Activities Committee that is part of the organizationӰԭs Technology and Engineering Management Society. She is also a member of the Society of Women Engineers and the Logistics Association.

Published Works

Brem, A., Kongar, E., Eckert, C., Santiago, L.P., and Daim, T.U., ӰԭEditorial: Publishing in Peer-Reviewed Journals,Ӱԭ in IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 5-10, Feb. 2021, doi: 10.1109/TEM.2020.3006327.

Zel, S., Kongar, E., ӰԭEngaging Learners in Synchronous Online Training Using Facial Expression Analysis TechnologyӰԭ, IEEE Engineering Management Review, Manuscript ID: EMR-20-0227.R1, Accepted for publication on January 25, 2021.

Singh, J.G., Kongar, E., ӰԭValue Creation via Accelerated Digital TransformationӰԭ, IEEE Engineering Management ReviewӰԭ, Manuscript ID: EMR-21-0010, Accepted for publication on January 15, 2021.

Adebayo, O., Kongar, E., ӰԭImpact of Ӱԭ Marketing on Business Performance: A Hybrid Performance Measurement Approach Using Data Analytics and Machine LearningӰԭ, Manuscript ID: EMR-21-0002, IEEE Engineering Management Review, Accepted for publication on Jan. 3, 2021.

Zel, S., and Kongar, E., ӰԭInfluential Factors in Design And Implementation Of Virtual Reality TechnologyӰԭ, International Journal of Science and Technology, 6(3), 72-86. https://doi.org/10.20319/mijst.2020.63.7286, 2020.

Büyüközkan, G., Mukul, E., Kongar, E., ӰԭHealth tourism strategy selection via SWOT analysis and integrated hesitant fuzzy linguistic AHP-MABAC approachӰԭ, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Accepted: 7/31/2020, Submission #: SEPS_2020_391_R1.

Tozanli, O., Kongar E., Gupta S.M., ӰԭEvaluation of Waste Electronic Product Trade-in Strategies in Predictive Twin Disassembly Systems in the era of BlockchainӰԭ, Sustainability, Manuscript ID: sustainability-846479, Published: July 4, 2020.

Duman, G. M., Kongar, E. and Gupta, S. M., ӰԭPredictive Analysis of Electronic Waste For Reverse Logistics Operations: A Comparison of Improved Univariate Grey ModelsӰԭ, Soft Computing, SOCO-D-19-01926R2, Accepted, March 2020, Published: April 2020.

Vo, B. and Kongar, E., Suárez Barraza, M.F., ӰԭRoot-Cause Problem Solving in an Industry 4.0 ContextӰԭ, IEEE Engineering Management Review, pp. 1-9, Print ISSN: 0360-8581, Online ISSN: 1937-4178 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/EMR.2020.2966980, January 2020.

Tozanli, O., Kongar, E. and Gupta, S. M., ӰԭTrade-in-to-Upgrade as a Marketing Strategy in Disassembly-to-Order Systems at the Edge of Blockchain TechnologyӰԭ, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 58, No. 23, 7183-7200, 2020.

Duman, G. M., Kongar, E. and Gupta, S. M., ӰԭEstimation of electronic waste using optimized multivariate grey modelsӰԭ, Waste Management, Volume 95, Pages 241-249, 2019.

Alshibli, M., ElSayed, A., Kongar, E., Sobh, T., Gupta, S.M., ӰԭRobust Robotic Disassembly Sequence Design Using Orthogonal Arrays and Task AllocationӰԭ, Robotics, 8(1), 20, 2019.

Duman, G. M., El Sayed, A., Kongar, E. and Gupta, S. M., ӰԭAn Intelligent Multi-Attribute Group Decision Making Approach with Preference Elicitation for Performance EvaluationӰԭ, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, TEM-18-0629, Accepted (19-Feb-2019).

Vo, B. and Kongar, E., Suárez Barraza, M.F., ӰԭKaizen Event Approach: A Case Study In Packaging IndustryӰԭ, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management (IJPPM), Manuscript ID IJPPM-07-2018-0257, Accepted 12-Feb-2019, Published June 2019.

ElSayed, A., Kongar, E., Mahmood, A., Sobh, T., and Boult, T., Neural Generative Models for 3D Faces with Application in 3D Texture Free Face Recognition, https://arxiv.org/pdf/1811.04358.pdf, 2018.

Duman, G.M., Taskaynatan, M., Kongar, E., Rosentrater, K.A., ӰԭIntegrating Environmental and Social Sustainability into Performance Evaluation: A Balanced Scorecard-Based Grey-DANP Approach for the Food IndustryӰԭ, Frontiers in Nutrition, Vol. 5, DOI 10.3389/fnut.2018.00065, 2018.

Ahmed El Sayed, Kongar, E., A., Mahmood, A., and Sobh, T, ӰԭUnsupervised Face Recognition in the Wild using High Dimensional Features under Super Resolution and 3D Alignment EffectӰԭ, Signal, Image and Video Processing, May 2018.

Alshibli, M., El Sayed, A., Tozanli, O., Kongar, E./, Sobh, T. and Gupta, S.M., ӰԭA Decision Maker-Centered End-of-Life Product Recovery System for Robot Task SequencingӰԭ, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, pp 1Ӱԭ14, November, 2017.

Tozanli, O, Duman, G.M., Kongar, E., and Gupta, S. M., ӰԭEnvironmentally Concerned Logistics Operations in Fuzzy Environment: A Literature SurveyӰԭ, Logistics, 1(1), 4; 2017.

Duman, G. M., Tozanli, O., Kongar, E. and Gupta, S. M., ӰԭA Holistic Approach for Performance Evaluation Using Quantitative and Qualitative Data: A Food Industry Case StudyӰԭ, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 81, No. 1, 410-422, 2017.

Academic Papers in Conference Proceedings

Shrivastav, H., Kongar, E. , ӰԭInformation Overload in Organization: Impact on Decision Making and Influencing StrategiesӰԭ, Session: NA3: Engineering Management I, 2021 IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Conference (TEMSCON) Ӱԭ Europe, Innovation Networks, Entrepreneurship, Information Technology And Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Conference, 17th -21st May 2021.

Famodimu, E., Kongar, E. , ӰԭThe Role of Robotic Process Automation on Business TransformationӰԭ, Presentation-Full Paper, Track: Cyber Security, IT, and Emerging Technologies, 2021 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference, Virtual, March 26-27, 2021.

Adebayo, O., Kongar, E. , ӰԭUsing Artificial Intelligence to Guide SME Ӱԭ Marketing StrategyӰԭ, Presentation-Abstract, Track: Big Data, Analytics, and Knowledge Management, 2021 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference, Virtual, March 26-27, 2021.

Duman, G.M., Kongar, E. , and Gupta, S.M., ӰԭOptimized Support Vector Machine in Multi-Class Text ClassificationӰԭ, Presentation-Abstract, Track: DSS, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence, 2021 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference, Virtual, March 26-27, 2021.

Famodimu, E., Kongar, E. , ӰԭLeadership in the Implementation of ERP Systems: A Case Study of a Global Pharmaceutical Organization ERP migration to the CloudӰԭ, Presentation-Full Paper, Track: Cyber Security, IT, and Emerging Technologies, 2021 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference, Virtual, March 26-27, 2021.

Singh, J.G., Kongar, E. , ӰԭOnline consumer purchase decisions in the age of automation and artificial intelligenceӰԭ, Presentation-Full Paper, Track: Human-Technology Interface, 2021 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference, Virtual, March 26-27, 2021.

Zel, S., Kongar, E. , ӰԭTransforming Digital Employee Experience with Artificial IntelligenceӰԭ, The IEEE / ITU International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Good (AI4G 2020), Virtual, September 21-25, 2020.

Zel, S. Kongar, E. , ӰԭSuccess Factors in Design And Implementation of Virtual Reality TechnologyӰԭ, 2nd ICSTR Istanbul Ӱԭ International Conference on Science & Technology Research, 08-09 October 2020.

Adebayo, O., Kongar, E. , Tozanli, O, Sarkis, J., ӰԭRetail Ӱԭ Usage and Ramification to Business Performance: A Comparative Analytical StudyӰԭ, 2020 POMS Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, April 23-27, 2020.

Duman, G.M., Kongar, E. , Gupta, S.M., ӰԭA Comparison of Machine Learning Methods in Multi-Class Text ClassificationӰԭ, NEDSI 2020, Cambridge, MA, March 26-28, 2020, (Submitted: December 14, 2019).

Duman, G.M., Kongar, E. , Abstract (093-1332), ӰԭEstimation of electronic Waste to Improve Reverse Logistics Operations: A Comparison of Optimized Grey ModelsӰԭ, 2019 POMS Annual Conference, May 3 - 6, Washington, D.C., U.S.A, 2019.

Book Chapters

Tozanli, O., Kongar, E. , and Gupta, S.M., ӰԭSupplier Selection Model for End-of- Life Product Recovery: An Industry 4.0 PerspectiveӰԭ, Chapter 14, Responsible Manufacturing: Issues Pertaining to Sustainability, Alqahtani, A.Y., Kongar, E., Pochampally, K.K., Gupta, S.M., CRC Press, February 25, 2019, ISBN 9780815375074.

Duman, G.M., Kongar, E. , and Gupta, S.M., A Holistic Grey-MCDM Approach for Green Supplier Elicitation in Responsible Manufacturing, Chapter 5, Responsible Manufacturing: Issues Pertaining to Sustainability, Alqahtani, A.Y., Kongar, E. , Pochampally, K.K., Gupta, S.M., CRC Press, February 25, 2019, ISBN 9780815375074.

Tozanli, O., and Kongar, E. , ӰԭIntegration of Industry 4.0 Principles into Reverse Logistics Operations for Improved Value Creation: A Case Study of a Mattress Recycling Company,Ӱԭ Enterprise and Business Management - Industry 4.0, Accepted for Publication, 2018.

ElSayed, A., Duman, G. M., Tozanli, O., and Kongar, E. , ӰԭComputer Vision Application for Environmentally Conscious Smart Painting TruckӰԭ, Auer M., Zutin D. (eds) Online Engineering & Internet of Things. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 22. Springer, Cham, 510-516, 2018.

ElSayed, A., Kongar, E. , Gupta, S.M., and Sobh, T., ӰԭA Genetic Algorithm Approach to End-of-life Disassembly Sequencing for Robotic DisassemblyӰԭ, Chapter 15, Prototyping of Robotic Systems: Applications of Design and Implementation, Xiong, X. and Sobh, T., Eds., IGI Global, Hershey, PA, 2011.

Rosentrater, K., and Kongar, E. , ӰԭModeling the Addition of a Pelleting Operation at a Fuel Ethanol Plant and Examining the Effects on the Transportation and Logistics of DDGSӰԭ, Encyclopedia of Energy Engineering and Technology, Sohail Anwar, Ed., Taylor & Francis Group, New York, NY, 2011.

Kongar, E. and Gupta, S. M., ӰԭA Data Envelopment Analysis Approach for Household Appliances and Automobile RecyclingӰԭ, Book chapter, Web-Based Green Products Life Cycle Management Systems: Reverse Supply Chain Utilization, Editor(s): Prof. Hsiao-Fan Wang, 2008.

Kongar, E. and Gupta, S. M., ӰԭThe Promise of the Real-Time Supply ChainӰԭ, The Handbook of Technology Management, 3 Volume Set, Hossein Bidgoli, Editor-in-Chief, Copyright © John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2009, Hoboken, N.J, 07030.

Kongar, E. and Gupta, S. M., ӰԭEnd-of-Life Processing via Data Envelopment AnalysisӰԭ, in Research Methodology on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), Edited by Jibendu Kumar Mantri, Universal Publishers, Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 197-215, Chapter 12, ISBN: 978-1-59942-950-2, 2008.

Kongar, E. and Gupta, S. M., ӰԭMulti-Objective Optimization of Lot Size Balancing for Multi Products Selective Disassembly,Ӱԭ Multiple Criteria Decision Making in the New Millennium, Edited by Murat Koksalan and Stanley Zionts, Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Vol. 507, Berlin, Germany, pp. 338-347, ISBN: 3-540-42377-X, 2001.

News and In the Media

In the Media

Elif Kongar, professor of economics and business analytics, says many factories that closed during the pandemic have yet to reopen, even though the demand for products has surged.