Hesam Teymouri, Ph.D.

Hesam Teymouri Image

Marketing Department
Pompea College of Business

Ph.D. in Marketing, Spears School of Business, Oklahoma State University
Minor: Statistics
MasterӰԭs in Marketing, School of Management, University of Tehran
B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Science and Research University

About Hesam

Hesam is a marketing researcher with a Ph.D. in Marketing from Oklahoma State University, specializing in service (retail) marketing and technology-mediated marketing with publications and work in progress in top-tier journals such as Journal of Consumer Psychology. His research explores the dynamic relationship between marketing and technology, with a focus on understanding consumer decision-making and its implications. Hesam is passionate about generating valuable insights that have both theoretical foundations and real-world applications, driving managerial/policy and societal impacts. Hesam's research interests encompass various aspects of the marketing landscape, including technology-based frontlines, customer entitlement, customer political ideology, firms' transgression, charitable behavior, sustainable behavior, and marketplace inclusion.

In addition to research, Hesam is dedicated to educating future marketing professionals and scholars. Hesam specializes in teaching digital marketing, marketing analytics, marketing research, and marketing strategy, equipping students with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the ever-evolving marketing landscape, and to cope with challenges in their future careers.

With a strong academic foundation, a commitment to practical applications, and a passion for empowering students, Hesam strives to make a meaningful contribution to the field of marketing. Hesam is driven by the belief that by leveraging technology and embracing data-driven insights, we can create more impactful marketing strategies.

Published Research

Shepherd, S., Teymouri Athar, H., & Zaboli, S. (2023). On the political right, the customer is always right: Political ideology, entitlement, and complaining. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 00, 1Ӱԭ9. https://doiorg/10.1002/jcpy.1366

Research in Progress

Hesam Teymouri Athar, Steven Shepherd, "Unveiling the Entitled Mindset: How Customer Expectations Shape Self-Service Technology Adoption" Target Journal: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

Hesam Teymouri Athar, Steven Shepherd, Sahel Zaboli, ӰԭWhat's in The Box? Exploring The Impact of Customer Cooperative Donations in Retail StoresӰԭ Target Journal: Journal of Consumer Psychology

Hesam Teymouri Athar, Marlys Mason, Sahel Zaboli, ӰԭIs Metaverse an inclusive marketplace? Understanding vulnerable customers in immersive retail environmentsӰԭ Target Journal: Journal of Public Policy & Marketing

Sahel Zaboli, Hesam Teymouri Athar, Steven Shepherd, ӰԭEthics in the Spotlight: Brand Moral Transgression and Consumer Moral GrandstandingӰԭ Target Journal: Journal of Consumer Research

Sahel Zaboli, Ainslie Schultz, Hesam Teymouri Athar, ӰԭThe Intelligent Path to Sustainability: Exploring AI-Generated Recommendations and Sustainable ConsumptionӰԭ Target Journal: Journal of Public Policy & Marketing Special Issue

Conferences and Workshops

Steven Shepherd, Hesam Teymouri Athar, Sahel Zaboli ӰԭOn the Political Right, the Customer is Always Right: Political Ideology, Entitlement, and Complaining," Society for Consumer Psychology, San Juan, PR, 2023

Hesam Teymouri Athar, Steven Shepherd, "Customer Entitlement: What makes entitled customers use self-serve tech in a service environment," Winter AMA conference, Nashville, TN, 2023

Hesam Teymouri Athar, Steven Shepherd, "New technology introduction in the frontline: the role of customers' political ideology," Summer AMA conference, Chicago, IL, 2022

Marketing & Public Policy Doctoral Research Workshop, Baylor University, June 2022

Hesam Teymouri Athar, Amir Khanlari, "A review on the effect of atmosphere and nonverbal communications on customer satisfaction in service firms," 2nd Marketing Management conference, University of Tehran, 2016