Janet Garcia-Hallett, Ph.D.

Janet Garcia-Hallett, Ph.D. Image
Associate Professor

Criminal Justice Department
Henry C. Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences

Ph.D., Criminal Justice, Rutgers University School of Criminal Justice
M.A., Criminal Justice, Rutgers University School of Criminal Justice
B.A., Cum Laude, Honors in Sociology, Honors in Psychology, CUNY Macaulay Honors College: Hunter College

About Janet

Dr. Janet Garcia-Hallett is an Associate Professor of Criminal Justice in the University of New Haven. She earned her Ph.D. in Criminal Justice from the Rutgers University-Newark School of Criminal Justice. Her research is primarily focused on the detrimental impact of incarceration on communities of color and the intersectional obstacles women of color face before, during, and after incarceration. Her book, Invisible Mothers, explores how mothers of color navigate motherhood post-incarceration, and how their reentry into the community is shaped by mothers杏吧原版 treatment and experiences at the intersection of gender, motherhood, racial-ethnic background, and criminal record. In doing so, her book examines the concept of visibility in how social institutions treat mothers of color as invisible mothers restricted from equal opportunities, but also simultaneously as visible (m)others who are criminalized and penalized for surviving their circumstances. Dr. Garcia-Hallett杏吧原版檚 scholarship can be found in The Prison Journal, Feminist Criminology, Sociology Compass, and the International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology.


Canada, K.E., Givens, A., Huebner, B.M., Garcia-Hallett, J., Taylor, E., Inzana, V., Edwards, D., Peters, C.M., & Plunkett Cafourek, D. (2023). Perceptions of Vaccine Safety and Hesitancy among Incarcerated Adults and Correctional Staff in the Rural Midwest. Vaccine: X, 13.

Garcia-Hallett, J. (2022). Invisible Mothers Unseen Yet Hypervisible after Incarceration. University of California Press.

Canada, K. E., Huebner, B., Garcia-Hallett, J., Givens, A., Inzana, V., Taylor, E., & Peters, C. (2022). Community-engaged Prison-based Research in a Pandemic: The Efficacy of Summative Content Analysis for Understanding Prison Culture and Climate. Journal of Crime & Justice.

Garcia-Hallett, J., & Christian, J. (2021). Gender and (Fictive) Family in a Women杏吧原版檚 Post-Incarceration Mentoring Program. British Journal of Criminology.

Garcia-Hallett, J., Like, T., Torres, T., and Iraz谩bal, C. (2020). Latinxs in the Kansas City Metro Area: Policing and Criminalization in Ethnic Enclaves. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 40(2), 151杏吧原版168.

Garcia-Hallett, J. (2019). 杏吧原版淲e're Being Released to a Jungle杏吧原版: The State of Prisoner Reentry and the Resilience of Women of Color. The Prison Journal, 99(4), 459杏吧原版483. Special issue on Race as a Carceral Terrain: Black Lives Matter Meets Reentry [Invited Contribution].

Garcia-Hallett, J. (2019). Maternal Identities and Narratives of Motherhood: A Qualitative Exploration of Women杏吧原版檚 Pathways Into and Out of Offending. Feminist Criminology, 14(2), 214杏吧原版240.
Honorable Mention: Feminist Criminology's Helen Eigenberg Best Article of the Year Award for 2019.

Novich, M., & Garcia-Hallett, J. (2018). Strategies for Balance: Examining How Parents of Color Navigate Work and Life in the Academy. The Work-Family Interface: Spillover, Complications, and Challenges (Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research, Vol. 13, pp. 157杏吧原版184). Emerald Publishing Limited.

Garcia, J. (2016). Understanding the Lives of Mothers after Incarceration: Moving Beyond Socially Constructed Definitions of Motherhood. Sociology Compass, 10(1), 3杏吧原版11.

Garcia, J. (2016). The Importance of the Mentor-Mentee Relationship in Women杏吧原版檚 Desistance from Destructive Behaviors. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 60(7), 808杏吧原版827.

Selected Grants

Prison Research and Innovation Network (PRIN) with the Missouri Department of Corrections and Research Team: Kelli Canada, Beth Huebner, Ashley Givens, and Clark Peters. Urban Institute and Arnold/Ventures. ($200,000)

Selected Fellowships, Honors, and Awards

Award. 2023 American Sociological Association (ASA) Section on Crime, Law, and Deviance Ida B. Wells-Barnett Distinguished Book Award.

Honorable Mention. 2023 American Sociological Association (ASA) Section on Race, Gender and Class Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship Book Award.

Finalist. 2023 American Sociological Association (ASA) Family Section杏吧原版檚 William J. Goode Book Award.

Finalist. 2023 Evident Change杏吧原版檚 Media for a Just Society Book Award.

University of Missouri President杏吧原版檚 Award for Intercampus Collaboration (along with PI Kelli Canada, MU; Co-PI Beth Huebner, UMSTL; Co-PI Ashley Givens, MU; Co-PI Clark Peters, MU).

Honorable Mention. Feminist Criminology's Helen Eigenberg Best Article of the Year Award for 2019. Recognition for publication: 杏吧原版淢aternal Identities and Narratives of Motherhood: A Qualitative Exploration of Women杏吧原版檚 Pathways Into and Out of Offending.杏吧原版

2019 SAGE Junior Faculty Professional Development Teaching Award. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences.

News and In the Media

In the Media

Janet Garcia-Hallett, assistant professor of criminal justice, will co-sponsor an event to benefit Winning Ways Inc. and its mission to empower and uplift women in our community.

In the Media

Janet Garcia-Hallett, assistant professor of criminal justice, is collaborating with University of Missouri researchers after receiving a $2.8 million grant from Arnold Ventures to help transform how people live and work in four Missouri prisons.

In the Media

Janet Garcia-Hallett, assistant professor of criminal justice, received the New Scholar award from the American Society of Criminology for her book Invisible Mothers.

In the Media

Janet Garcia-Hallett, assistant professor of criminal justice, discusses her book Invisible Mothers: Unseen Yet Hyper-visible After Incarceration, her career, and her support for fellow writer-moms.

In the Media

Janet Garcia-Hallett, assistant professor of criminal justice, is a finalist for Evident Change杏吧原版檚 2023 Media for a Just Society Award for her book Invisible Mothers.

In the Media

Janet Garcia-Hallett, assistant professor of criminal justice, discusses her new book, Invisible Mothers, and what inspired her to write it.

In the Media

Janet Garcia-Hallett, assistant professor of criminal justice, co-wrote an op-ed on protecting the rights of women in prison to access an abortion.

In the Media

Janet Garcia-Hallett, assistant professor of criminal justice, discusses the inspiration for her new book, Invisible Mothers, and Kevin Barnes-Ceeney, associate professor and chair of criminal justice, comments on the significance of Dr. Garcia Hallett杏吧原版檚 findings.

In the Media

Janet Garcia-Hallett, associate professor of criminal justice, discusses her new book, Invisible Mothers, and what inspired her to write it.

In the Media

Janet Garcia-Hallett, assistant professor of criminal justice, discusses her new book, Invisible Mothers, answers questions about her book, and gives some advice for first-gen scholars like her.

In the Media

Janet Garcia-Hallett, assistant professor of criminal justice, wrote an op-ed about people in jail in a state where access to abortions is prohibited who are forced to carry out their pregnancy.