Jing Li, Ph.D., P.E.

Fire Science and Emergency Management Department
Henry C. Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland
M.S. Mechanical Engineering, University of California
B.S. Safety Science Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China
Research Interests
Material flammability, Fire dynamics in buildings, Biodegradable materials, Pyrolysis and smoldering, Fire modeling, Flame spread and Micro-gravity combustion.
Publications and Conference Presentations
Peer-reviewed Journals
W. Mhike, I. V. W. Ferreira, J. Li, S. I. Stoliarov, and W. W. Focke, "Flame retarding effect of graphite in rotationally molded polyethylene/graphite composites," Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 132, 2015.
J. Li, J. Gong, and S. I. Stoliarov, "Gasification Experiments for Pyrolysis Model Parameterization and Validation" International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer vol. 77, pp. 738-744, 2014.
J. Li and S. I. Stoliarov, "Measurement of kinetics and thermodynamics of the thermal degradation for charring polymers " Polymer Degradation and Stability vol. 106, pp. 2-15, 2014.
J. Li and S. I. Stoliarov, "Measurement of Kinetics and Thermodynamics of the Thermal Degradation for Non-Charring Polymers" Combustion and Flame vol. 160, pp. 1287-1297, 2013.
L. H. Hu, M. A. Delichatsios, J. Li, X. L. Zhang, S. F. Wang, and R. Huo, "Experimental Study on Diffusive Solid Combustion Behavior During Transition from Normal- to Reduced-Gravity," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 55, pp. 2035-2043, 2012.
J. Li and S. Stoliarov, "Pyrolysis Parameterization and Validation for Polymeric Material," accepted to present at the Fire and Evacuation Modeling Technical Conference, Gaithersburg, MD, 2014.
J. Li and S. I. Stoliarov, "A Multiscale Approach to Parameterization of Burning Models for Polymeric Materials," presented at the ACS 247th National Meeting, Dallas, Texas, 2014.
J. Li and S. I. Stoliarov, Poster presentation "Novel approach for characterization of kinetics and thermodynamics for polymeric materials" ACS 247th National Meeting, Dallas, Texas, 2014.
J. Li , M. B. McKinnon, X. Liu, M. R. Semmes, and S. I. Stoliarov, "Development of Physically Meaningful Pyrolysis Models using Milligram- and Bench-scale Tests," 5th FM Global Open Source CFD Fire Modeling Workshop, Norwood, MA, U2013.
J. Li and S. I. Stoliarov, "Development of Methodology for Measurement of Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Polymer Pyrolysis," presented at Fire and Materials, San Francisco, pp. 425-437, 2013.
S. I. Stoliarov, J. Li and etc. "Measurement of the Thermodynamics of Polymers Degradation," 6th Fire and Polymers Symposium- ACS 243rd National Meeting, San Diego, California, 2012.
J. Li and S. I. Stoliarov, "Measurement of Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Polymer Degradation," presented at the 4th FM Global Open Source CFD Fire Modeling Workshop, Norwood, MA, USA, 2012.
J. Li and S. Mahalingam, Poster presentation "Experimental Investigation of Bulk Density and its Role in Fire Behavior in Live Shrub Fuels" International Association for Fire Safety Science(IAFSS), 10th International Symposium, University of Maryland, USA, 19-24th June, 2011.
Professional Affiliations and Other Activities
- American Chemical Society (ACS)
- Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE)
- International Association for Fire Safety Science (IAFSS)
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Courses Taught
- EAS109 Project Planning and Development
- EAS112 Methods of Engineering Analysis
- FIRE6669 Dynamics, Evaluation, and Prevention of Structure Fires