Serrata, J. V., Macias, R. L., Rosales, A., Rodriguez, R., Perilla, J. Expanding evidence-based practice models for domestic violence initiatives: a community-centered approach. (In Press: Psychology of Violence).
Serrata, J. V., Hernandez, Macias, R. L. (2015). Self-empowerment of immigrant Latina survivors of domestic violence: A promotora model of community leadership. Hispanic Health Care International, 14(1).
Serrata, J. V., Hernandez, M., Rodriguez, R., Macias, R. L., & Perilla, J. (2015). Partnering with communities to end domestic violence in Latina/o families. Latina/o Psychology Bulletin, 2(1) 17-21.
Serrata, J. V., Macias, R. L., Rosales, A., Rodriguez, R., & Perilla, J. (2015). A study of immigrant Latina survivors of domestic violence: Becoming LÃderes Comunitarias (Community Leaders). In O.M. Espin & A.L. Dottolo (Eds.) Gendered journeys: Women, migration, and feminist psychology. Palgrave Macmillan.
Macias, R. L., Gold, P. B., & Jones, D. R. (2013). Age and physical health as predictors of family contact among adults with severe psychiatric illness. Psychiatric Quarterly, 84, 183-195.
Espino, D. V., Macias, R. L., Becho, J., Wood, R., Talamantes, M., Finley, M. R, & Hernandez, A. E. (2010). Physician-assisted suicide attitudes of older Mexican-American and Non-Hispanic White adults: Does ethnicity make a difference? Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 58(7), 1370-1375.
Jones, D. R., Macias, R. L., Gold, P. B., Barreira, P. J., & Fisher, W. H. (2008). When parents with severe mental illness lose contact with their children: Are psychiatric symptoms or substance use to blame? Journal of Loss & Trauma. 13, 261ÐÓ°ÉÔ°æ“287.
Macias, R.L., & Mora, C. (2016, October). Te Invito: Introduction to Community-Centered Evidence Based Practice. Violence In J. Serrata (Chair) Centering Latina/o Community Voices to End Domestic Violence and Promote Health and Wellbeing. Symposium conducted at the National Latina/o Psychological Association 2016 Conference, Orlando, FL.
Macias, R. L., Rodriguez, R., & Mora, C. (2015, June). En la familia: Process and results from an empowerment evaluation of a domestic violence intervention for Latino families. In J. Perilla (Chair) A Community-Engagement Approach to Ending Violence in the Latina/o Community: Putting the Work Back Into the Hands of Community. Symposium conducted at 14th Biennial Conference of the Society for Community Research and Action, Lowell, MA.
Macias, R. L., Rodriguez, R., & Mora, C. (2015, June). En la familia: Process and results from an empowerment evaluation of a domestic violence intervention for Latino families. In J. Perilla (Chair) A Community-Engagement Approach to Ending Violence in the Latina/o Community: Putting the Work Back Into the Hands of Community. Symposium conducted at 14th Biennial Conference of the Society for Community Research and Action, Lowell, MA.
Macias, R. L., Nava N., & Mora-Ozuna, C., (2015, March). Community-based workshops on domestic violence. Poster presented at the XULA-COP Eighth Health Disparities Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Macias, R. L. (2013, October). Evaluating a leadership training program for Latinas. In J. Perilla (Chair) Collaborative and culturally competent approaches to program evaluation: Examples from Latino serving community-based organizations. Symposium conducted at the American Evaluation Association, Washington, D.C.
Macias, R. L. (2013, June). Qualitative theory. Poster presented at 13th Biennial Conference of the Society for Community Research and Action, Miami, FL.
Macias, R. L., Serrata, J. V., & Perilla, J. L. (2012, December). Disparities in health and well-being among Latina survivors of domestic violence: A qualitative approach.em> Poster presented at the Research Centers in Minority Institutes Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Macias, R. L., Serrata, J. V., & Rosales, A. (2012, August). Participant-researcher collaboration in program development, implementation, and evaluation: Examples from a domestic violence intervention program. Paper presented in symposium at 120th Annual Conventions of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL.
Macias, R. L., Rodriguez, R., Colaski, A., Kuperminc, G., & Perilla, J. (2012, June). Promotion of community leadership and well-being in challenging sociopolitical climates. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference of Community Psychology, Barcelona, Spain.
Macias, R. L., Serrata, J. V., & Perilla, J. (2012, March). LÃderes: An innovative training program for Latina survivors of DV. Paper presentation at the National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence, San Francisco, CA.
Macias, R.L., Rodriguez, R., & Perilla, J. (2011, October). Evaluation survey development for Latino populations: An illustrative project. Paper presented at the Southeastern Ecological and Community Psychology Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Macias, R. L. (2010, November). Immigrant Latina women in the United States: Ecological considerations for domestic violence intervention. Paper presented at the National Latina/o Psychological Association 2010 Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Macias, R. L., Serrata, J. V., & Perilla, J. (2010, October). Community empowerment of domestic violence survivors. Paper presented at the Southeastern Ecological and Community Psychology Conference, Charlotte, NC.
Macias, R. L., Hernandez, A. E., & Espino, D. V. (2009, November). Instrumental activities of daily living disability among community-dwelling Mexican American and non-Hispanic White older adults. Poster presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Macias, R. L., Espino, D. V., Hernandez, A. E., Wood, R. C., Becho, J., Talamantes, M., Bocanegra, A., & Bravo, M. (2008, November) A comparative study of end-of-life planning by Mexican- American and European-American older adults. Paper presented at the National Latina/o Psychological Association Conference, Costa Mesa, CA.
Macias, R. L. & Zawacki, T. (2007, November). The roles of cultural and relationship factors in HIV risk appraisal among Latinas. Poster presented at the 21st National Conference on Undergraduate Research, San Rafael, CA.
Macias, R. L., Vasquez, J., & Zawacki, T. (2006, October). Risky sexual behavior among Latinas. Poster presented at the National Latina Psychological Association Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
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Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA
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Southeastern ECO Conference Planning Committee
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Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
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National Latino Psychological Association
American Psychological Association (APA), Graduate Student Affiliate
APA Division 27: Society for Community Research and Action