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Students, Professor Advocate for Eating Disorder Awareness and Access to Care

Alvin Tran, Sc.D., MPH, and two of his students recently met with federal lawmakers from across the country in a virtual event focused on bringing awareness to eating disorders and promoting policy change. They hope to educate and to increase access to care for individuals who suffer from eating disorders.

October 15, 2020

By Renee Chmiel, Office of Marketing and Communications

Image of Chidera Emeto.
Chidera Emeto Ӱԭ21 M.A. speaks to lawmakers at a recent Eating Disorder Coalition Virtual Advocacy Day event.

Chidera Emeto Ӱԭ21 M.A. wants to help debunk myths around eating disorders, and she recently met with lawmakers to push for two bills that would increase access to care to support individuals experiencing those illnesses.

As part of Eating Disorders CoalitionӰԭs Capitol Hill 2020 Virtual Advocacy Day, she represented Connecticut, along with her professor Alvin Tran, Sc.D., MPH. They met with federal lawmakers, including the offices of Connecticut U.S. Senators and and Connecticut U.S. Representative .

ӰԭWith the current pandemic, there has been a spike in eating disorders, especially among individuals already diagnosed with an illness,Ӱԭ said Emeto, a candidate in the UniversityӰԭs graduate program in community psychology who hails from Nigeria. ӰԭIt was a great experience to sit in meetings like this with elected leaders to discuss policies and the importance of these policies to the residents of Connecticut. The event was a great way to educate Congressional staff about eating disorders and also to debunk certain myths surrounding it.Ӱԭ

Emeto and Peri Alexander Ӱԭ23, both Health Equity and Advocacy Fellows with the UniversityӰԭs , which Dr. Tran leads, aimed to bring awareness to eating disorders, as well as the importance of access to proper care.

They advocated for the Nutrition CARE Act, which would amend the Social Security Act to provide coverage of medical nutrition therapy services to individuals with eating disorders under the Medicare program, as well as a telemental health bill that would ensure greater access to mental health telehealth services to people in all areas Ӱԭ a measure especially crucial during the coronavirus global pandemic.

ӰԭI shared a story about my younger cousin who was eight years old at the time she suffered from an eating disorder,Ӱԭ said Alexander, a health sciences major who represented her home state of New Jersey. ӰԭI discussed how caring for a loved one with any medical illness is hard and how my cousin and everyone else who suffers from eating disorders should be provided with the best care available. Medical nutritional therapy is a huge part of that care.Ӱԭ

Image of Judy Chu
Rep. Judy Chu (D)-CA, who sponsored the Nutrition CARE Act of 2019, speaks at the advocacy event.
ӰԭMy voiceӰԭ. can change the worldӰԭ

Dr. Tran is passionate about health advocacy, and his research interests include body image and disordered eating behaviors. As director of the WeEmbody Lab, a research working group of public health professionals and students, he continues to develop research, advocacy, and other public health efforts focused on promoting health equity.

ӰԭI learned about the power of health advocacy as a graduate student, and I have continued advocating for public health legislation Ӱԭ especially health equity Ӱԭ ever since,Ӱԭ he said. ӰԭOur lawmakers are often bombarded with powerful lobbying groups whose interests are not always focused on the greater good of our society. That's why it's important for me to educate and empower others, including my students, to advocate for issues they care about. Their voices matter. Their votes matter.Ӱԭ

Alexander experienced that firsthand. She said she felt empowered after the meeting, and she is grateful to have had the opportunity to meet with lawmakers. She hopes the message she, Emeto, and Dr. Tran shared will make a lasting impact.

ӰԭI'm proud to have had this opportunity to talk to my lawmakers, and I appreciate that they took the time to listen to what I had to say,Ӱԭ she said. ӰԭI hope that aside from bringing awareness to this issue, I also made it easier for those living with eating disorders to be recognized and get the help they need. This was a rewarding experience, and I hope other students will join me on the next advocacy day.Ӱԭ

Emeto was encouraged by the response of lawmakers. She believed her voice was heard, and that it is helping to make a meaningful difference.

ӰԭAs a first-time advocate, one thing I took away from this experience was the fact that my voice matters and can change the world,Ӱԭ she said. ӰԭI believe advocacy is one of the many ways I can fight for a cause I care about and create more awareness. This was an exciting opportunity that I'm grateful for.Ӱԭ