M.S. Digital Forensic Investigation Grad: ӰԭMy Ӱԭ Passion is to Help People, and I Am Able to Do ThatӰԭ
For Anna Albraccio Ӱԭ21, Ӱԭ22 M.S., her work as a forensic analyst is exciting and rewarding. From the hands-on coursework to the professors who believed in her, she says her time as a Charger prepared her well for her work investigating civil and criminal cases.
November 28, 2022
By Jackie Hennessey, Contributing Writer
Anna Albraccio Ӱԭ21, Ӱԭ22 M.S. at Sandline Global.
When Anna Albraccio Ӱԭ21, Ӱԭ22 M.S. is working as a forensic analyst in the state-of-the art digital lab at , she says she is constantly using skills she developed in the UniversityӰԭs online M.S. in Digital Forensic Investigation program, and as an undergraduate forensic science major. She studies an electronic device, analyzing a personӰԭs movements to see who theyӰԭve been texting, what they have been searching, trying to build evidence for a case.
Anna Albraccio Ӱԭ21, Ӱԭ22 M.S. on campus.
She thinks about a course with Professor Angelo Floiran, practitioner-in-residence, who had students delve into the dark web. She researched the Silk Road where, according to the FBI, Ross William Ulbricht created an underground marketplace that trafficked in drugs and other goods, generating about $1.2 billion in sales before he was arrested, convicted, and sentenced to life without parole.
ӰԭProfessor Floiran not only taught me the proper steps to investigating this kind of crime but made me see a whole different side of the internet,Ӱԭ says Albraccio. ӰԭI had to figure out how to go about investigating these types of crimes. What do you do when someone is hidden? Where do you begin? He encouraged me to question why people do this. I even wrote a paper defending what this person created, so that I would always be thinking of a case from all sides.Ӱԭ
ӰԭHe told me I could do itӰԭ
Albraccio also recalls a course with Professor Christopher Kelly, an adjunct instructor who works in the digital forensics division of the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office.
Anna Albraccio Ӱԭ21, Ӱԭ22 M.S. and her manager hard at work at Sandline Global.
ӰԭThe class was very hands-on, and thatӰԭs not very common in online programs,Ӱԭ she says. ӰԭWe were able to gain access to software tools IӰԭm using now in the field to perform our own data collection. He taught us how to use the data and formulate reports.Ӱԭ
Albraccio earned a graduate certificate in digital investigations while finishing her bachelorӰԭs degree. She also worked in the West Haven Police DepartmentӰԭs student patrol and the University Police DepartmentӰԭs dispatch office.
It was a leap, she says, moving from studying forensics as an undergrad, working Ӱԭwith biological and chemical substancesӰԭ to computer and all tech-based investigations. Patrick Malloy, M.S., DBA, the program coordinator for the online M.S. in Digital Forensic Investigation program and the online M.S. in Investigations program, encouraged her to become part of the first class of the M.S. in Digital Forensic Investigation program.
ӰԭI wasnӰԭt sure I could do it,Ӱԭ she says. ӰԭBut Professor Malloy challenged me. He told me I could do it because I had the passion for it. He believed in me as a woman pursuing a career in a heavily male-dominated field, and that was a turning point for me.Ӱԭ
ӰԭThis field encapsulates everythingӰԭ
Last year, Albraccio interned at Sandline, an e-discovery, legal advisory and litigations company that handles corporate internal investigations, fraud, corporate espionage, and criminal investigations. She was offered a position as a forensic analyst right after completing her masterӰԭs.
ӰԭWe perform data collection and forensic analysis of criminal or civil cases, whether they are white-collar crimes or criminal investigations,Ӱԭ she says. ӰԭI go on site and collect different devices requested by the attorneys and formulate reports used as forensic evidence in court cases,Ӱԭ she says.
Some of the most challenging cases involve the Ӱԭ Victims Law Center.
ӰԭWe were hired by this organization to collect data and information off of the devices and social media platforms of children and young people who have committed or attempted suicide,Ӱԭ she explains. ӰԭWe look for any signs of bullying or signs of self-harm on the device that parents may not have been aware of. ItӰԭs a way to give closure to families who lost their children. ItӰԭs hard looking into a childӰԭs life and see that maybe more could have been done to prevent what had happened. While itӰԭs difficult, we know we are doing something of benefit for the families.Ӱԭ
Albraccio enjoys her work, and sheӰԭs grateful for the preparation she had at the University.
ӰԭThis field encapsulates everything IӰԭve wanted to do throughout my education,Ӱԭ she says. ӰԭNot only working on criminal cases and looking at them from all sides, but my main passion is to help people and I am able to do that. ItӰԭs such an exciting field.Ӱԭ
Anna Albraccio Ӱԭ21, Ӱԭ22 M.S. is a forensic analyst at Sandline Global.