Alum Brings Passion for Service to Campaign for State Office
Erick Russell Ӱԭ09, an attorney who earned a degree in criminal justice from the University of New Haven, is dedicated to making a meaningful difference in his community. HeӰԭs now running to become ConnecticutӰԭs next state treasurer.
August 3, 2022
By Renee Chmiel, Office of Marketing and Communications
Erick Russell Ӱԭ09.
When Erick Russell Ӱԭ09 earned his bachelorӰԭs degree in criminal justice from the University of New Haven, he became the first member of his family to graduate from college Ӱԭ and he didnӰԭt stop there. He then went on to earn his Juris Doctor, become an attorney, and he is now running for Connecticut state treasurer.
Growing up in New Haven, Russell was the child of the owners of a small convenience store and deli. They had many interactions with law enforcement, and he realized not many of the officers looked like him. Aware of the crime in the city and the challenges the community faced, he was determined to make a positive contribution. He believed earning a degree in criminal justice would help him do just that.
ӰԭI watched my parents sacrifice for me and for my siblings,Ӱԭ he said. ӰԭSchool was an opportunity to change the landscape for my family. My parents wanted me to have opportunities, and I was committed to doing well and to taking advantage of the opportunities I had. I always look for ways to help others and to be a resource for them. ItӰԭs challenging to be the first person to do something, and I am grateful to have had so many who helped me when I was in college.Ӱԭ
As a first-generation college student, Russell, who had always been interested in the law, feared law school was not realistic. But when he took a ӰԭCriminal LawӰԭ course with Michael Lawlor, J.D., a criminal justice professor at the University, everything clicked.
ӰԭI loved this class, and it felt natural for me,Ӱԭ he explains. ӰԭI always liked policy, and this brought it all together. Prof. Lawlor fueled my interest in law.Ӱԭ
ӰԭItӰԭs important to be involved in making a differenceӰԭ
Russell went on to complete an internship with the stateӰԭs attorneyӰԭs office and then pursued his J.D. at the . He interned with the , a mental health-based legal rights organization, and completed a program with , a Bridgeport-based law firm. He has remained with the firm since earning his J.D. in 2012. Now an attorney and partner, Russell represents municipalities in financing critical infrastructure projects Ӱԭ such as schools and affordable housing Ӱԭ as well as work related to pensions.
ӰԭWhat I love is that I get to give back to communities across the state,Ӱԭ he explains. ӰԭThese are the projects that make our communities and our state stronger, more stable, and more reliable. It is what families rely on. My work has a direct impact on people in the state, and it is rewarding.Ӱԭ
Interested in politics, Russell further committed himself to service through his political work. A dedicated supporter of the democratic party, Russell has served on the , as vice chair of the for more than three-and-a- half years, and as vice chair of the Eastern Region of the Association of State Democratic Committees.
When Shawn Wooden, state treasurer for Connecticut, announced he would not seek reelection, Russell saw an opportunity. He is now one of three candidates running for Connecticut state treasurer in the democratic primary.
ӰԭItӰԭs important to be involved in making a difference,Ӱԭ he said. ӰԭI felt like this was an important time to be involved and to use my voice. I also think itӰԭs critical to have leadership thatӰԭs reflective of our communities. If thereӰԭs an opportunity to do the work IӰԭm passionate about and can make an impact, I wonӰԭt shy away.Ӱԭ
Erick Russell Ӱԭ09 (second from right) and several of ConnecticutӰԭs democratic leaders and lawmakers.
ӰԭI was fortunate to have great mentorsӰԭ
Russell, who has already been endorsed by current and former state leaders such as former Connecticut State Treasurers Denise Nappier and Joseph Suggs, Jr., sees this opportunity as a way to further his impact on the community, while combining his professional qualifications and his interest in service. If elected, he says he plans to bring his perspective and passion to the role to help families across the state. He already has several ideas Ӱԭ including helping to implement a Ӱԭbaby bond programӰԭ in Connecticut Ӱԭ that he has shared on the campaign trail.
Under such a plan, any child who receives Ӱԭ which includes and the Ӱԭ would receive a set amount of money in a trust, which would then accrue over the childӰԭs life. At age 18, the individuals would be able to use the funds for initiatives such as education, starting a business, or a making a down payment on a first home. Russell hopes it would help address the generational health gap.
ӰԭAs the first person to break through the generational health gap in my own family, I believe this is personal,Ӱԭ he said. ӰԭI hope it also helps people learn how to manage their finances.Ӱԭ
If he becomes state treasurer, Russell hopes to also impact how companies do business. Specifically, he would help push for diversity and inclusion, as well as for green-energy initiatives.
Dedicated to inspiring the next generation of leaders, Russell has been passionate about mentorship since he was a Charger, serving as a mentor to Black and LGBTQ+ youth, in particular. He says heӰԭs grateful for the important role mentorship has played in his own life, and for those who have guided and inspired him.
ӰԭIӰԭve had great mentors, and IӰԭve always wanted to contribute in that way,Ӱԭ he said. ӰԭMy mentors helped me feel comfortable being who I am. I was fortunate to have great mentors, especially as I was navigating a new space as a first-generation student.Ӱԭ