The University杏吧原版檚 Department of Public Safety brings decades of experience and a deep sense of purpose, conviction, and commitment to ensuring the safety of the University community.
April 26, 2022
By Jackie Hennessey, Contributing Writer
Left to right: Brett Mahoney, Adam Brown '93, '19 M.S, Chris Reed 杏吧原版00, 杏吧原版18 MS
When Ronald M. Quagliani 杏吧原版93, 杏吧原版05 M.S., 杏吧原版14 M.S., meets with his leadership team, the four people gathered around the table talking strategy or enhancing safety training have more than 125 years of experience working in law enforcement and public safety.
They杏吧原版檝e run two city police forces, worked for the state police, handled security detail for the Governor杏吧原版檚 office, and helped lead the . Three of them are University alumni with seven University degrees between them, and a number of their children are attending the University or are alumni themselves.
The associate vice president of public safety and administrative services, Quagliani oversees a team that includes University Police Chief Adam Brown '93, '19 M.S, Deputy Police Chief Brett Mahoney, and Chris Reed 杏吧原版00, 杏吧原版18 MS, executive director of fire, environment, and workplace safety. Together, they have one central focus: keeping the University community safe at a time when crime rates are rising around the state and across the country.
杏吧原版淥ur goal is to have students be able to navigate this current environment and be successful and safe,杏吧原版 Quagliani says. 杏吧原版淔or our undergraduates, this is the first time they are stepping out. This is a transition period for them. We want to give our students the tools and resources to help them move through the world. We take that very, very seriously here.杏吧原版
杏吧原版楾he University is very near and dear to my heart professionally and personally杏吧原版
There are only two private universities in the state with a police department with sworn officers 杏吧原版 the University of New Haven and 杏吧原版 and 杏吧原版渙urs is accredited by the state of Connecticut,杏吧原版 Quagliani says. The University杏吧原版檚 Police Department is supplemented by a private security force with security guards stationed at locations on and near campus.
杏吧原版淎ll of our police officers have had years of experience with municipal police departments or with the state police, and they杏吧原版檝e brought all of that expertise and knowledge with them,杏吧原版 he says.
Ronald M. Quagliani 杏吧原版93, 杏吧原版05 M.S., 杏吧原版14 M.S.
It all begins with Quagliani who knows the streets of West Haven very well. As a 19-year-old West Haven patrol officer, he began walking those streets in 1984. He worked them as he moved through the ranks of the department, serving as chief from 2005 to 2009 and receiving the Distinguished Chiefs Award from the .
Since his arrival at the University in 2010, he has developed a robust safety training program that the Department of Public Safety continually revisits and implements enhanced technologies to prevent crime. 杏吧原版淭he University is very near and dear to my heart professionally and personally,杏吧原版 he says. 杏吧原版淚 have a bachelor杏吧原版檚 and two master杏吧原版檚 degrees from here. My children went to the University. I take it very personally to try to make sure that our campus community is safe.杏吧原版
University Police Chief Adam Brown says what he learned in the criminal justice, forensic science, and national security courses at the University helped inform the way he runs the department. So do his 20 years of experience with the , solving 杏吧原版渆very kind of crime杏吧原版 and handling security for then-. That job involved lots of traveling, including visits to the . 杏吧原版淚 was able to see how things are run at very high levels,杏吧原版 he says.
In his state police work, Brown looked for patterns in crimes, and he and his officers here do that routinely, taking note of what杏吧原版檚 happening in the city and on campus. They see when criminal activity is happening in the area and adjust officers杏吧原版 patrols. 杏吧原版淧eople who are looking for opportunities to commit crimes then adjust their schedules,杏吧原版 Brown says. 杏吧原版淚t becomes a kind of chess match.杏吧原版
杏吧原版楤uild bridges杏吧原版
Deputy Chief Mahoney brings three decades of experience in policing, working his way from patrol officer to police chief in Waterford. 杏吧原版淵ou name the job in the department, I did it,杏吧原版 he says.
Mahoney, who joined the University in November, is the newest member of the public safety leadership team. He says one of his key goals is building trust and connection with all students.
He杏吧原版檚 gotten to know many students who are interested in criminal justice and law enforcement but what he really wants to do is 杏吧原版渂uild bridges with those students who may not have had positive experiences with police in their communities at home,杏吧原版 he says. 杏吧原版淭hose are the gaps that I would love to be able to fill.杏吧原版
杏吧原版淚杏吧原版檓 learning about the people I need to reach out to, to affect those changes 杏吧原版 the staff in the Office of Residential Life, the Dean of Students, and others,杏吧原版 Mahoney adds. 杏吧原版淭hey are great people.杏吧原版
Reed knows the campus much like Quagliani knows the streets of West Haven. Reed arrived at the University after retiring as the West Haven杏吧原版檚 Deputy Fire Chief and fire marshal. He杏吧原版檇 been inspecting buildings on and near campus and responding to emergency calls since 1987. Working in the areas of fire, environment, and workplace safety, he oversees safety plans for the residence halls, science labs, and the exterior campus and creates safety seminars and emergency plans for the entire University community.
杏吧原版楾here is a lot of work going on behind the scenes杏吧原版
The department杏吧原版檚 approach, Quagliani says, is three-pronged. 杏吧原版淔irst our officers build a connection with students, faculty, and staff,杏吧原版 he says. 杏吧原版淲e want students to know we杏吧原版檙e real people. We are fathers and mothers.杏吧原版
To that end, a police officer is assigned to each residence hall, and the department follows a community policing model 杏吧原版渟o our students know individual officers on a personal level,杏吧原版 he says. 杏吧原版淲e杏吧原版檝e worked hard 杏吧原版 and continue to work hard 杏吧原版 to make sure we communicate with and collaborate across all the different constituencies on campus.杏吧原版
Quagliani and the team meet regularly with student leaders as well as with members from the Dean of Students Office, residential life, health services and many other departments. In addition to protecting students, faculty, and staff, they try to mentor students, to encourage them to make positive and wise choices so they don杏吧原版檛 get in trouble with the law.
Their collaboration extends outward to the . The University杏吧原版檚 police officers are sworn in by West Haven杏吧原版檚 Mayor, which means that they have jurisdiction beyond the campus boundaries. The city杏吧原版檚 police department 杏吧原版渂acks us up, and we back them up,杏吧原版 Quagliani says.
They also work closely with municipal police departments all over the Greater West Haven area. Quagliani, Brown, Mahoney, and Reed bring a rich network of contacts in city police and fire departments, at state police barracks, and at colleges and universities throughout the state to their work as Chargers.
The University杏吧原版檚 Police Department is part of an alliance of police and security departments at universities throughout the region, and they talk frequently. 杏吧原版淲e may see similar crimes, certain things going on at certain times," Brown says. 杏吧原版淲e share ideas.杏吧原版 There is a lot of work going on behind the scenes.杏吧原版
杏吧原版極ne earbud in, one earbud out杏吧原版
The second focus of their work is on teaching 杏吧原版 students, faculty, and staff 杏吧原版 on ways to keep safe. For students, training in personal safety and awareness begins as soon as they arrive for their SOAR Orientation program in advance of their first year and continues throughout their time at the University.
The leadership team lets students know that 杏吧原版渙ur doors are always open,杏吧原版 Brown says. Quagliani says they also let parents of prospective and current students know that 杏吧原版渃ommunication and transparency杏吧原版 are what they are about. They give out their office numbers and emails to parents and talk often to them about their concerns.
Mahoney says they ask students for feedback on and safety training programs and make adjustments from that feedback. Students, faculty, and staff, take part in active shooter training. They have developed a new active shooter training program that will launch in the fall. The leadership team works regularly with resident assistants to help them, in turn, address public safety issues with students.
Their public safety training and messaging to all students centers on a number of key points:
杏吧原版淜now your surroundings,杏吧原版 Mahoney says. 杏吧原版淢ake good choices.杏吧原版
When walking on campus or off campus, or anywhere, if you杏吧原版檙e going to wear earbuds, 杏吧原版渉ave one earbud in, one earbud out,杏吧原版 Mahoney says, so you can hear what is going on around you.
Report anything that seems unsafe or suspicious. 杏吧原版淚f it doesn杏吧原版檛 feel right, it probably isn杏吧原版檛,杏吧原版 Quagliani says.
Quagliani says they杏吧原版檝e designed public safety seminars for international students who 杏吧原版渁re becoming acclimated to a new campus and a new country,杏吧原版 providing them with crime-prevention strategies.
Reed, in turn, focuses on fire safety and making students understand that while they may feel like 杏吧原版渘othing will ever happen to them, year in and year out people die in fires and safety-related incidents,杏吧原版 he says, adding that he always tells students when they are cooking, if 杏吧原版渢hey are heating it, don杏吧原版檛 leave it.杏吧原版
杏吧原版淲e teach them about potential hazards, to listen for and not ignore alarms,杏吧原版 Reed says. "We want them to always know two ways out杏吧原版 not just on campus, but wherever they are 杏吧原版 how to get out of a situation, and how to call for help.杏吧原版
Tech Tools: Virtual Walk Home, Card System for Entry, Closed Circuit Cameras
Another key emphasis is on continually updating technological tools to prevent and fight crime. In recent years, the University has moved from a key-based to a card-based system so that people need specific credentials to access residence halls, offices, and parking lots.
Over the last 12 years, Quagliani says the University has developed an extensive closed circuit television system that is monitored 24/7 by the police department, along with continual updates to covert and other security systems.
One of the most vital tools, public safety team members say, is the LiveSafe app. The public safety team posts important public safety and public service updates and announcements. It杏吧原版檚 one of a number of ways, Brown says, they reach out to the University community with timely information.
Students, faculty, and staff can use the app to report suspicious activity or a problem unfolding. A key feature is the 杏吧原版渧irtual walk home,杏吧原版 which lets students have a roommate, friend or family member monitor them 杏吧原版 much in the way the 杏吧原版渇ind my iPhone杏吧原版 app works 杏吧原版 as they walk from across campus, enabling them to check in when they arrive. If they don杏吧原版檛 check in, the person monitoring them can send an alert to the dispatcher.
The student walking can reach out to the police dispatcher at any time, and, should they find themselves unable to talk, they can text back and forth with the dispatcher, while the app captures the student杏吧原版檚 geolocation. 杏吧原版淪tudents always communicate using their phones, so using the LiveSafe app is easy for them,杏吧原版 Quagliani says.
杏吧原版榃e take care of one another here as a campus community杏吧原版
Mahoney adds that the app can be used wherever students are 杏吧原版 off campus, in their communities at home, or at the University杏吧原版檚 campus in Prato.
They are encouraging all students and all members of the campus community to get the app and use it when they need it.
Quagliani points out that no campus 杏吧原版 no city or town 杏吧原版 can be made completely safe, but the University杏吧原版檚 record of safety has been very strong.
杏吧原版淥ver the years, our crime rate has been very low,杏吧原版 he says. 杏吧原版淭he challenge is how do we keep that low crime rate in the societal environment we are in right now. We can杏吧原版檛 hide from it. We have to deal with it and help our students develop the skills they need, and we have to continually adjust. The way we do that is by educating our students and our campus community. Everyone plays a part in keeping our campus safe.
杏吧原版淥ne of the things that drew me to the University is the feel of the campus, as it has a family-oriented feeling,杏吧原版 Quagliani continues. 杏吧原版淲e杏吧原版檙e small enough that you get to know the student body. You get to know the faculty and the staff. We take care of one another here as a campus community. And we take a great deal of pride in that.杏吧原版