Executive Director of Enrollment Operations Named ӰԭIrish Woman of the YearӰԭ
Selina (Moylan) OӰԭToole Ӱԭ10, Ӱԭ14 M.S. is a dedicated member of the University community as well as the local Irish community, serving as vice president of the New Haven Gaelic Football & Hurling Club. The organization, in which her two sons are now also involved, honored her for her commitment to promoting and celebrating Irish culture.
November 21, 2022
By Renee Chmiel, Office of Marketing and Communications
Selina Moylan OӰԭToole Ӱԭ10, Ӱԭ14 M.S. up against UMass Lowell.Selina Moylan OӰԭToole Ӱԭ10, Ӱԭ14 M.S., executive director of enrollment operations for Graduate Admissions.
When Selina (Moylan) OӰԭToole Ӱԭ10, Ӱԭ14 M.S. moved to the United States from Ireland to become a Charger, she found a Ӱԭsecond homeӰԭ at the University of New Haven. She went on to become a member of the , to earn two degrees, and, now, to serve as the UniversityӰԭs executive director of enrollment operations for Graduate Admissions.
Moylan, now Selina OӰԭToole, has long been a welcoming presence the University community, and she has remained active in the local Irish community. She is currently serving her second Ӱԭ and soon to be third Ӱԭ term as vice president of the New Haven Gaelic Football & Hurling Club (NHGF&HC), which has recognized her as its Ӱԭ.Ӱԭ
ӰԭSelina is no stranger to a kitchen, and she can usually be found helping in that area preparing Irish breakfasts, dinners, or any other social event,Ӱԭ said Joan Hall, NHGF&HC secretary/treasurer and coordinator of the award committee and banquet. ӰԭHer two sons Gavin and Nathan are now players on the club's football team. The Irish American community is proud and honored to call Selina Ӱԭone of their own.ӰԭӰԭ
New Haven Gaelic Football & Hurling Club banquet announcement.
ӰԭSelina gives every ounce she hasӰԭ
Since 1985, NHGF&HC has annually recognized a man and a woman who further its mission to promote and foster knowledge, information, and understanding of Irish culture. OӰԭToole was recognized at the clubӰԭs annual banquet earlier this month along with Peter Burke, who was honored as "Irish Man of the Year."
In addition to her service to NHGF&HC and to the Irish community, OӰԭToole has become an important part of the Charger community. She is committed to supporting students on their academic journey, often working nights and weekends.
ӰԭSelina OӰԭToole is, simply put, the colleague of the year,Ӱԭ said Gregory Eichhorn, MBA, vice president for enrollment and student success. ӰԭShe is always there to support students, her team, and all those at the University all while raising two terrific boys and juggling a myriad of community activities. We are all so thankful for her!Ӱԭ
When she was herself a student at the University, OӰԭToole helped the Chargers womenӰԭs soccer team advance to the Sweet Sixteen of the NCAA tournament, earning All American and All Conference awards in three of her four years on the team.
, then an assistant coach for Fairfield University, remembers OӰԭToole as an athlete. She had the opportunity to coach with OӰԭToole a few years later. When Duncan joined Charger Nation, becoming the womenӰԭs soccer teamӰԭs head coach, OӰԭToole was assistant coach.
Selina Moylan OӰԭToole Ӱԭ10, Ӱԭ14 M.S., with family on senior day in 2008.
ӰԭSelina gives every ounce she has to everyone else,Ӱԭ said Duncan. ӰԭShe has a full-time job and two boys who are heavily involved in various activities, and she jumps right in there with them. Selina has been involved with the Irish Club for a long time, and she takes a lot of pride in the efforts she gives to them, too.Ӱԭ
ӰԭShe is loved by so manyӰԭ
OӰԭToole, who earned bachelorӰԭs and masterӰԭs degrees in management of sport industries from the University, was honored as a member of the . Soon after earning her masterӰԭs degree, she was .
ӰԭSelina was an energetic Charger leader for the womenӰԭs soccer team, not only as an accomplished and contributing soccer player, but as a team leader who played a major role in the teamӰԭs success,Ӱԭ said Debbie Chin, who was a coach and administrator at the University for more than 40 years, including nearly 25 as athletic director, retiring in 2017. ӰԭThe team could count on Selina to encourage, support, and challenge her teammates to strive to be the best and give their all when they stepped on the pitch as evidenced by the programӰԭs success. There is no one more deserving of being named the prestigious 2022 Irish Woman of the Year.Ӱԭ
After earning her bachelorӰԭs degree, OӰԭToole established her own bar and restaurant in downtown New Haven, which she owned for four years. She then in 2015.
Coach Duncan attended the ceremony at which OӰԭToole was recognized to see her colleague and friend celebrated for her Ӱԭhuge accomplishmentӰԭ and Ӱԭwonderful recognition."
ӰԭI personally am very proud of the woman Selina has become,Ӱԭ continued Duncan. ӰԭI have known her since her playing days, and I have seen her become a young mother, a business owner, and, now, hold a very high-level position at the University of New Haven. She is loved by so many people because of the way she finds time for them, and I am proud to see her win this award.Ӱԭ
Selina Moylan OӰԭToole Ӱԭ10, Ӱԭ14 M.S. dribbles down the pitch.