Health Sciences Professor Brings Passion for Policy to Washington
Alvin Tran, Sc.D., MPH, has a vast background in research and health policy, as well as in fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion. He杏吧原版檚 now applying his experience and expertise to an exciting public service opportunity in Washington, D.C., where, for the next year, he will have a seat at the table when it comes to informing policy.
September 7, 2023
By Renee Chmiel, Office of Marketing and Communications
On a public-service leave of absence for the 2023-24 academic year, Dr. Tran has received a fellowship to serve in the , which is within the . He杏吧原版檚 excited to bring his passions for public health and policy to his new role.
杏吧原版淚t杏吧原版檚 an opportunity to apply the skills I learned as a doctoral student to the creation of new policies to inform health,杏吧原版 explained Dr. Tran, an assistant professor in the University杏吧原版檚 Department of Population Health and Leadership. 杏吧原版淚t杏吧原版檚 exciting to be offered this opportunity to do a year of public service.杏吧原版
杏吧原版業 come in with a unique skillset杏吧原版
ARPA-H, which follows the same model as the but is focused on healthcare, supports the development of high-impact solutions to health problems. Specifically, it endeavors to boldly advance cutting-edge biomedical and health research that is not typically done through 杏吧原版渢raditional杏吧原版 research. It focuses on a variety of critical challenges in healthcare, from cancer to cybersecurity.
President Joe Biden proposed the creation of ARPA-H to enable the government to expedite biomedical and health solutions. The Consolidated Appropriations Act was signed into law in early 2022 authorizing the establishment of ARPA-H within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Dr. Tran, who also serves as the University杏吧原版檚 assistant provost for diversity, equity, and inclusion, is among the scientists and researchers from across the country who received fellowships. He was selected after an intensive application process, which included writing multiple essays and interviewing in-person in the nation杏吧原版檚 capital.
杏吧原版淲hen I was doing my interview with ARPA-H, it felt like I was interviewing for a similar team to what I have here with the Provost杏吧原版檚 Office,杏吧原版 recalls Dr. Tran. 杏吧原版淚t was a small team, and you have a seat at the table. I come in with a unique skillset. I杏吧原版檓 trained in public health and social and behavioral sciences, so understanding what influences human behavior. But I also have a background in diversity, equity, and inclusion, which appealed to them, since they wanted to emphasize health equity.杏吧原版
杏吧原版楾he person I want to be杏吧原版
Starting off his time in Washington, Dr. Tran has spent two weeks in orientation. Some of his training brought him back to his days as a student, reviewing pertinent civics lessons such as how a bill becomes a law. He was looking forward to attending talks with lawmakers, elected officials, and experts on Capitol Hill and the many learning opportunities they would offer.
Dr. Tran is especially excited about beginning his public service because it will enable him to have a seat at the table when it comes to policy. The work will draw on what he杏吧原版檚 been doing at the University 杏吧原版 and take it to another level.
As director of the University杏吧原版檚 , a working group that focuses on issues around the sociocultural factors associated with body image, Dr. Tran created a fellowship program that enables students from each of the University杏吧原版檚 academic colleges and schools to travel to Washington for hands-on training. They learn about all facets of health advocacy, including addressing health inequities and how to interact with elected officials.
It was during a recent trip to Washington with his students last year 杏吧原版 before he杏吧原版檇 applied for the ARPA-H program 杏吧原版 that the conversation turned its focus to Dr. Tran. He杏吧原版檇 already been making an impact as a researcher and educator, but what if he took on a more hands-on role? He杏吧原版檇 long been interested in influencing policymaking at the highest level, and he杏吧原版檇 put that dream on the backburner. Now it was time to revisit it.
杏吧原版淢y students and I met with lawmakers, and they were asking me, 杏吧原版榃hen is it going to be you across this table?杏吧原版櫺影稍鏉 he recalls. 杏吧原版淚 told them I wasn杏吧原版檛 sure if I wanted to be the person in the seat, but I want to be someone who is around that person to help inform them about science, technology, and health policy. That杏吧原版檚 the person I want to be.杏吧原版
杏吧原版楳y dream...杏吧原版
As he steps into his new role, Dr. Tran is excited about the many opportunities he杏吧原版檒l have to network while at ARPA-H. He杏吧原版檚 particularly looking forward to serving on task forces and committees focused on important topics such as addressing health disparities.
Dr. Tran continues to dream about the impact he杏吧原版檒l make in Washington and at the University of New Haven. He hopes to interact with individuals he can eventually connect with his students, perhaps as guest speakers in the classroom, or, even, as keynote speakers for some of the University杏吧原版檚 health-related programs on campus. He also hopes his experience in Washington will enable him to create even greater opportunities for educating tomorrow杏吧原版檚 health policy leaders, advocates, and policymakers.
杏吧原版淚 would like to expand on the WeEmbody Lab with a stronger focus on health policy and what that means to use science and research to influence the creation of newer policy,杏吧原版 he said. 杏吧原版淢y dream is to one day create a health policy center for a university, so hopefully, that can happen here.杏吧原版