Charger Blogger Breaks Down Her Approach to Budgeting
Beatrice Glaviano Ӱԭ26 explores the importance of budgeting Ӱԭ something sheӰԭs found to be critical when it comes to managing not only her money, but also her time and, even, her health.
November 3, 2023
By Beatrice Glaviano Ӱԭ26
Beatrice Glaviano Ӱԭ26
Ӱԭ must be funny.
Man, I love ABBA.
HowӰԭs our week going? By the time youӰԭre reading this, fall break has ended and everyone is back on campus to complete the rest of the semester. Exciting, right? Oddly enough, it was also around this time (last year) that I began searching for a job as a first-year student. While I donӰԭt personally recommend getting a job your first year or semester, there are definitely some plus sides that come along with it Ӱԭ aside from the money.
With that, welcome to blog #15: Budgeting for the Average College Student.
Firstly, what even is budgeting? In the simplest of terms, budgeting is dividing your resources up. These set amounts can be directed towards a goal, such as buying a car or stocking your savings, or placed into a category, such as necessities or wants. Also, please note IӰԭm not a financial adviser or anything Ӱԭ if you have legitimate concerns regarding your finances, I strongly suggest reaching out to your bank or even the Financial Aid Office here on campus for any serious queries. Anyhow, when it comes to getting paid, getting a job is typically a good first step, but what do you do with that first paycheck?
If you ask my dad, you cash it in and frame it. If youӰԭre asking me though, you start gaining knowledge about how to handle your hard-earned cash before framing it.
One of the first things I learned when it came to budgeting was the 50/30/20 split. ItӰԭs relatively common I believe, but considering that I only found out about it last year, perhaps not as common as I originally thought. To break it down, with every paycheck you deposit 50 percent into savings and delegate the remaining 30 percent and 20 percent into needs and wants. At least, thatӰԭs what I do. Typically, the 50 percent goes into necessities, 30 percent into wants, and 20 percent into savings, but I find that having a solid savings account is better than a jam-packed checking (though if both are achievable, go for it). Of course, you can customize these values to these lifestyles, but sticking to this has honestly made all the difference in my financial health.
Credit and Debit
With this, you can develop an emergency fund: a collection of money that youӰԭve saved over time in case something unexpected occurs in your life, such as a car crash or medical emergency. Additionally, IӰԭd strongly suggest setting up a secondary savings account ӰԭAKA a credit card account Ӱԭ so that you will be able to build credit over the course of your college career.
But whatӰԭs credit?
Credit is essentially money you owe to your bank. Paying with a credit card isnӰԭt exactly paying in a sense, but a delay of that payment until the end of the month or so. ItӰԭs because of this that many are weary of credit cards, as credit card debt is very real and quite scary. However, the plus side of credit is that you gain responsibility and trust with your bank. The higher your credit score, the better a chance you have at securing loans or even asking for more time to pay off a previous debt as youӰԭve done so on time in the past.
Using a debit card, on the other hand, requires you to pay that amount upfront. Obviously, this tends to be easier for people to keep track of as itӰԭs an immediate deduction, but itӰԭs also annoying because of that immediateness. Either way, managing debit cards or credit cards is an important skill, especially if youӰԭre using both of those at the same time (of which I donӰԭt advise unless youӰԭre very good with your money).
In summary, budgeting is about dividing up your resources in a way that gets you the most bang for your buck. In a lot of ways, it helps you plan for the future and stay in the present. Yet, where else does budgeting apply?
'The biggest thing a job in undergrad will teach youӰԭ
Seeing that we live in a modern era, IӰԭd say that we budget our time between academics and social lives, right? What about our mental and physical energy? I think IӰԭd count those too. Many jobs that donӰԭt require a significant amount of formal education tend to be service positions within the retail or restaurant industries. Construction or other trades could be added, but there is definitely a higher level of training involved in that versus how to bus a table. All of these could serve as a direct example of how we budget ourselves in everyday life.
Beatrice Glaviano Ӱԭ26 and her friend Serenity
The biggest thing a job in undergrad will teach you is responsibility and independence, especially with your schoolwork. If youӰԭre a full-time student, balancing your academic and work life is difficult, especially when it comes to time management, task prioritization, and general efficiency. Throwing a job into the mix will add to your stress, but it will also lay a basic financial groundwork during your college career Ӱԭ a time in your life when you may not yet have any ӰԭrealӰԭ expenses, beyond your education.
With that, youӰԭll also be more aware of your scholastic deadlines. As someone with one heck of a course load and school obligations, IӰԭve found that I am more aware of my academics and more efficient than I was before. Additionally, youӰԭll be forced to brush up on your resume- and cover-letter-writing skills. The utilization of these will vary depending on the type of job, but you will need to review how to interview successfully if your resume attracts the attention of an employer.
On that note, donӰԭt forget to update your LinkedIn profile. Anything that aligns with your professional goals should be added to your LinkedIn, no matter how big or small. Trust me. If youӰԭre curious or have further questions, we do have the Career Development Center on campus to help you with these things. ThereӰԭs also a from which you may be able to score some professional attire for an interview, if you need it.
Budgeting with PIE
Before I go too much into professionalism, itӰԭs important to note that budgeting properly keeps you financially available in the present and future, and being able to manage your academic, social, and emotional ӰԭaccountsӰԭ will also enable you to do the same. Going off the advice of one of the best people in my life, thereӰԭs something called PIE: a fractional breakdown of oneӰԭs physical, intellectual, and emotional health. PIE also happens to be shaped like a PIE chart, so thatӰԭs also helpful. So, how do you manage it?
Well, you make sure that not too many slices are taken out. If you are lacking physically, make up for it in intellect or emotion. If lacking intellectually, try learning something new. And if you have extra PIE, itӰԭs okay to share some of it, but be aware of how much of your PIE youӰԭre giving out. Giving too much to a certain person, situation, class, job, etc. can lead you into burnout, and thatӰԭs no bueno, man.
Being able to recognize when you need to bake some more PIE for yourself is a life lesson you can only learn through doing. So, set those boundaries and protect your peace. The main takeaway from PIE is that if you do the same thing over and over again in your life with no variation, you will not grow as an individual, and PIE is a great way to find where improvements can be made (even if theyӰԭre small!).
In summary, we donӰԭt just budget money; we manage the many different aspects of ourselves in most Ӱԭ if not all Ӱԭ parts of our lives whether we are students, professors, or just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Given that we are in November and that finals season will be on the way, I encourage students to analyze their work patterns at this point in the school year. What works for you? What doesnӰԭt work? What definitely doesnӰԭt work? And, what makes you feel the best, healthiest version of yourself as a student here?
Troubleshooting these things can really aid in determining oneӰԭs patterns of success throughout their academic, professional, and personal lives and also help you when youӰԭre not doing the best either physically, mentally, or emotionally. I hope you all are having a great week, and that you enjoyed todayӰԭs article.
Thank you all so much, and see you in the next one. With peace, love, and plenty of peanut butter, Beatrice