MPH Candidate Headed to Harvard to Research Link Between Ӱԭ Use and Mental Health
Sanmit Jindal Ӱԭ24 MPH, president of the Student Public Health Association, will spend the summer at Harvard studying the connection between mental and physical health and technology use.
May 23, 2023
By Jackie Hennessey, Contributing Writer
Sanmit Jindal Ӱԭ24 MPH.
The day before his interview for a distinguished Harvard internship, Sanmit JindalӰԭs phone rang.
ӰԭHeӰԭd written me a letter of recommendation and now he was calling to see if he could help me prepare for the interview,Ӱԭ said JindalӰԭ24 MPH, noting this was emblematic of faculty in the MPH program. ӰԭThey are so approachable. They are always there for you.Ӱԭ
A few weeks later, Jindal was selected as one of 10 interns to spend the summer at the at HarvardӰԭs T.H. Chan School of Public Health. His 10-week internship starts in June. ӰԭI canӰԭt wait to begin,Ӱԭ he said.
ӰԭI will learn so muchӰԭ
Jindal will work as a research assistant for Laura Marciano, a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Harvard. ӰԭShe is working on many projects simultaneously, trying to find a link between mental health and physical health and social media and technology use,Ӱԭ he said.
ӰԭNot only will Sanmit be applying essential skills he developed from our Master of Public Health program, but he will be working alongside leading researchers to understand the adverse impact of social media use on the mental health of the American people Ӱԭ a topic that is a priority of the U.S. Surgeon General,Ӱԭ said Dr. Tran.
Each week, Jindal will meet with the nine other interns to discuss what theyӰԭre each working on. ӰԭI will learn so much,Ӱԭ he said.
A major goal, too, is to have the chance to talk with Kasisomayajula ӰԭVishӰԭ Viswanath, Ph.D., Lee Kum Kee Professor of Health Communication, and the Sheung CenterӰԭs Co-Director. ӰԭHe is such a renowned person and I definitely hope to meet him,Ӱԭ Jindal said.
Sanmit Jindal Ӱԭ24 MPH (second from left) at an event with his fellow Chargers, including Dr. Alvin Tran (second from right).
ӰԭChanged the way I approach medicineӰԭ
Jindal says he hopes the internship will inform his future work in public health research and, eventually, as a doctor in the U.S., as he intends to practice either psychiatry or internal medicine.
Jindal, who came to the U.S. after working as a medical officer in the Department of Health and Family Welfare in Punjab India, received his Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) from Dayanand Medical College & Hospital. He decided to pursue his MPH at the University after reaching out to alumni of the program.
As a Fellow in the UniversityӰԭs WeEmbody Lab, ӰԭI was part of the team that did a survey on food insecurity on college campuses. Dr. Tran taught us how to create the survey, what questions should be asked, how you should frame the questions and how to collect and analyze data,Ӱԭ he explained.
Sanmit Jindal Ӱԭ24 MPH (front, center) with his fellow Chargers.
Most important, he said, is that his courses, professors, and experiences in public health Ӱԭhave changed the way I approach medicine.Ӱԭ
ӰԭBefore, I felt that as a physician you just do diagnosis and treatment,Ӱԭ he said. ӰԭPublic health gives you empathy toward the patient as well. Now I know about the problems my patientsӰԭ communities are facing. I didnӰԭt know people are going through so many things. WeӰԭve talked about health equity and health equality. ItӰԭs a very important thing that I understand now. I continue to learn so much.Ӱԭ
That will be true of his Harvard internship as well, he said. ӰԭI talked to last yearӰԭs interns and theyӰԭre still doing research with Harvard, and they are getting published,Ӱԭ he said. ӰԭI will try to do that same thing!Ӱԭ
Sanmit Jindal Ӱԭ24 MPH with Dr. Vivek Murthy, Surgeon General of the United States.