Tow Youth Justice Advocates Gain Firsthand Understanding of Norwegian Justice System
Danielle Cooper, Ph.D., CPP and Brittany LaMarr recently visited correctional facilities and met with stakeholders in Norway, learning more about the justice system in a country with a much lower crime rate and a very different approach to youth justice. They expect the trip will inform their work as advocates and as educators.
January 18, 2023
By Renee Chmiel, Office of Marketing and Communications
Danielle Cooper, Ph.D., CPP (left) and Brittany LaMarr visited Norway.
As a researcher and educator, Danielle Cooper, Ph.D., CPP has a long history of working with local community organizations and nonprofits in the field of youth justice. She recently had the opportunity to expand her knowledge of youth justice by exploring another country杏吧原版檚 approach and policies.
An associate professor of criminal justice and director of research for the at the University, Dr. Cooper recently returned from a trip to Norway. While visiting, she and fellow Tow staff member met with individuals across the justice system, from those serving time in the facilities to program volunteers and correctional administrators.
Visiting a country with a different approach to corrections and youth justice, they gained a theoretical understanding of Norway杏吧原版檚 systems and policies, visited a halfway house, and learned how different the country杏吧原版檚 system differs from those in the U.S. They chose to visit Norway because it has ratified the 杏吧原版 something the U.S. has not done. In addition to having less overall crime, Norway has only a handful of youths in its justice system 杏吧原版 far fewer than the state of Connecticut alone.
杏吧原版淲e go on trips like this in order to better rebut when people say that nothing is happening to better handle justice,杏吧原版 Dr. Cooper said. 杏吧原版淧eople might say you have to treat people a certain way if they杏吧原版檝e committed certain types of offenses, and Norway is saying, 杏吧原版榯hat杏吧原版檚 not how we feel about it. That杏吧原版檚 not how we feel about our people.杏吧原版櫺影稍鏉
杏吧原版楽aying things that blew your mind杏吧原版
Dr. Cooper says one thing that stood out to her was Norway杏吧原版檚 use of the import model, meaning the professionals a youth in the justice system is in contact with 杏吧原版 such as guards, educators, and health care providers 杏吧原版 are brought in from the community to work with them. She was also interested in how certain offenses kids are criminalized for, such as vandalism and truancy, are considered conduct issues in Norway 杏吧原版 issues that would likely fall under the purview of child protective services instead of the justice system.
Danielle Cooper, Ph.D., CPP (front) and her fellow travelers in Norway.
Low-risk offenders in Norway may also be allowed to leave facilities to go to doctor杏吧原版檚 appointments, or in some cases, to school. Youths in the Norwegian justice system are therefore much more engaged with the community. Dr. Cooper also points out their level of risk is judged not just by their offense but by the current risk they are presenting. She praised the system杏吧原版檚 use of solitary confinement only for purposes of de-escalation, not punishment. An individual can 杏吧原版 and is encouraged to 杏吧原版 leave as soon as they have calmed down.
杏吧原版淚 think one of the most impactful lessons to me was a presentation we got from what they call their activities team during which they kept saying things that blew your mind,杏吧原版 said Dr. Cooper. 杏吧原版淭hey said it杏吧原版檚 important that people in facilities are not suffering from loneliness and that they have rights to privacy. Staff try to get them to be more engaged, to challenge them, and get them to come out of their cell.杏吧原版
杏吧原版業nvested in making better neighbors杏吧原版
LaMarr, who serves as project manager for the Juvenile Justice Policy and Oversight Committee for the Tow Youth Justice Institute, was similarly impressed by how the Norwegian system treats those in the criminal justice system as 杏吧原版渉uman beings, deserving of opportunity and worthy of investment.
Brittany LaMarr.
杏吧原版淭his trip was such an important opportunity for us because it allowed us the visceral experience of interacting with various stakeholders in the Norwegian criminal legal system and an opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue,杏吧原版 she continued. 杏吧原版淩eading and researching a concept and idea is one thing; feeling it and living it is another. This opportunity allowed all of us to emotionally connect to the work we were doing and the information we were receiving, and that creates a stronger impact on how we move this information forward.杏吧原版
LaMarr says she expects the trip to inform the decisions they make at Tow, as well as the policies they consider as well as other options for how youth justice can be handled in Connecticut and across the country. She hopes it will help foster policymakers杏吧原版 ability to see youths as children and not delinquents. She believes children are better served by being connected to resources and to the community rather than by being imprisoned.
杏吧原版淐ollectively, the Norwegian society and systems are invested in making better neighbors out of individuals who are currently incarcerated, by connecting them to the community, school, health, family, and support,杏吧原版 she explains. 杏吧原版淗ere in the States, we have a system that杏吧原版檚 fundamental purpose is retribution, dehumanization, disenfranchisement, and oppression 杏吧原版 a complete disconnection from normalcy and things necessary to help build people up.杏吧原版
杏吧原版業杏吧原版檒l never be the same after this trip杏吧原版
Representing the field of youth justice, Dr. Cooper and LaMarr traveled to Norway with a group of more than a dozen individuals including policymakers, members of the Department of Corrections, and even a film crew. Staff from filmed them at corrections facilities in Norway, and the footage may air this spring.
The group visited a full music studio and a podcast studio.
While learning about the rights and community involvement of those in the justice system, the group visited a full music studio that individuals have access to, as well as a podcast studio. Those in the justice system record a podcast there, and it is aired on Norway杏吧原版檚 national radio each week.
Dr. Cooper, who is teaching at the University杏吧原版檚 campus in Prato, Italy, for the spring I accelerated term, says what she learned in Norway not only informs her research and work in the community, but also provided important information that she believes will help her in the classroom while connecting with her students. It also inspired her to consider how the American criminal justice system might be improved.
杏吧原版淚n Norway, when there is opportunity for de-escalation, one of the quick quotes that they gave to us is, 杏吧原版楢re you going to be water or are you going to be gasoline?杏吧原版 she said. 杏吧原版淚 can apply that to being mindful of my students杏吧原版 needs, to be sure not to add gasoline if a student is feeling anxious.
杏吧原版淚 imagine I杏吧原版檒l never be the same after this trip,杏吧原版 she continued. 杏吧原版淚杏吧原版檒l forever view our facilities and practices under this new understanding of what杏吧原版檚 possible. That gives me hope that maybe we'll agree about what the Connecticut or the United States way can be. It helps to have a model, so that at least people can't tell us that no one ever achieved something like this.杏吧原版