University Receives Grant to Expand Game Design and Development Education
A new grant and a proposed project endeavor to create exciting new opportunities for current and future students while helping to fuel ConnecticutӰԭs innovation and tech-talent pipeline.
May 2, 2024
By Renee Chmiel, Office of Marketing and Communications
The Bergami Center for Science, Technology, and Innovation at the University of New Haven.
For Timothy Fraedrich Ӱԭ25, majoring in computer science with a concentration in game design and development isnӰԭt only enabling him to study something heӰԭs passionate about. ItӰԭs also laying the foundation for him to pursue his dream career. He says heӰԭs always been ӰԭamazedӰԭ by what games have to offer, and he dreams of helping to create a game that people around the world will enjoy.
As a Charger, Fraedrich has had exciting opportunities to build his skills Ӱԭ including the unique opportunity to earn a certification from , a video game software development company based in California. The University, in collaboration with Unity, is endeavoring to integrate the companyӰԭs framework and certifications into its in-demand bachelorӰԭs degree in computer science with a concentration in game design and development (BSCS-G2D).
This collaboration is already creating invaluable opportunities for students such as Fraedrich. He had the materials he needed to prepare for the exam Ӱԭ including a prep course and a practice exam Ӱԭ available to him free of charge. The certification will make students more marketable as they apply for jobs, and the skills they develop will ensure they are prepared to excel in their careers.
Timothy Fraedrich Ӱԭ25
ӰԭThrough working on personal projects, taking my courses, and doing the entire courseware, I was able to feel adequately prepared for the exam,Ӱԭ Fraedrich said. ӰԭHaving the certification shows employers I am familiar with Unity as an entire system and engine, and not just a programmer who happens to be running their code in Unity.Ӱԭ
ӰԭThe tools they need to hit the ground runningӰԭ
The University has been awarded a grant from the State of Connecticut, funded by the , as part of the stateӰԭs Tech Talent Accelerator (TTA). The workforce development initiative aims to help Connecticut reach its economic potential and close the skills gap in in-demand technology fields. The UniversityӰԭs was among seven technology education programs in the state to be selected in 2022 as part of an initiative to rapidly increase the competitiveness of the stateӰԭs postsecondary institutions and to meet growing business demand for tech skills, and is among a dozen institutions to receive funding during the second cycle of the grant.
The funds will be used to strategically refine the BSCS-G2D curriculum in collaboration with SphereGen, Arsome, and Pleiadian, leading companies in the field with which the University has relationships. They will also develop, implement, and assess industry-recognized instructional materials, credentials, and certificates, enhancing studentsӰԭ educational opportunities at the University.
Mehdi Mekni, Ph.D., coordinator of the UniversityӰԭs undergraduate program in computer science who also leads the UniversityӰԭs game design and development concentration, hopes the proposed project will attract new students to the program. HeӰԭs excited about how the UniversityӰԭs collaboration with Unity is already powering studentsӰԭ education and career preparation.
ӰԭI'm thrilled to witness how integrating Unity certifications into our BSCS-G2D has empowered our students,Ӱԭ he said. ӰԭBy blending academic rigor with industry-recognized certifications, we've equipped talented individuals with the tools they need to hit the ground running in their careers.Ӱԭ
Dr. Mehdi Mekni (right) is passionate about creating educational opportunities for students.
ӰԭEverything I would need to knowӰԭ
The idea is to bridge the gap between education and employment, growing ConnecticutӰԭs technology sectors, fueling innovation, and establishing a pipeline of skilled professionals. The proposed project would strengthen the UniversityӰԭs position as a hub for game design and development education while helping to address the growing need for skilled professionals in the field. It would also endeavor to increase diversity and inclusion in the field, particularly among underrepresented populations.
The proposed project would establish critical collaborations with community colleges to create more pathways for students to continue their education at four-year schools such as the University of New Haven. It would also co-create curriculum modules that would focus on competencies that are increasingly important in technology, such as cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and data analytics. Dr. Mekni also imagines creating new opportunities for workforce development through a gaming-focused state conference and career fair.
ӰԭThis initiative not only enhances studentsӰԭ academic journeys but also propels them toward success in the dynamic field of game design and development,Ӱԭ said Dr. Mekni. ӰԭNone of this would have been possible without the support of the Tech Talent Accelerator funds and our invaluable collaborators, including Unity Technologies, , , and , all of whom have been instrumental in bringing this project to fruition.Ӱԭ
For Fraedrich, the computer science major, the support of the Tech Talent Accelerator program and the UniversityӰԭs collaboration with Unity have already created rewarding and important educational opportunities that have been preparing him for the career of his dreams. ItӰԭs a field that needs his talent, and thanks to the University and initiatives supported by the stateӰԭs Tech Talent Accelerator, he is receiving the tools he needs to excel.
ӰԭMy courses learning Unity have been my favorite during my time as a computer science student,Ӱԭ he said. ӰԭI would love to become a game developer or Unity developer once I graduate, and these courses have taught me everything I would need to know to do so.Ӱԭ