Cristina Vlas, Ph.D.

Cristina Vlas Image
Assistant Professor

Management Department
Pompea College of Business

Ph.D. in Philosophy in International Management Studies, University of Texas at Dallas, 2018
M.A. in Business Administration, University of Nebraska at Omaha, 2006

Research Interests

Research Stream 1: Innovation strategy and performance (KBV, organizational learning, learning curve, learning experience, routines, ambidexterity, patenting, knowledge-intensive industries, open-source, user innovation, generative AI)

Research Stream 2: CEO biases and heuristics (upper echelons, CEO personality, CEO motivation, CEO behavior, top management teams)

Research Stream 3: Racial diversity in organizations

Published Research

Vlas, CO, Vlas, RE, Robinson, WN, Masoud, Y (2023) ӰԭHow do external disruptions affect technological knowledge repository diversification? The role of repositoriesӰԭ historical and social aspiration levels and knowledge footprintӰԭ Knowledge and Process Management, 30(1), 110-121.

Vlas, CO, Richard, OC, Andrevski, G, Konrad, A, Yang, Y (2022) ӰԭDynamic capabilities for managing racially diverse workforces: Effects on competitive action variety and firm performanceӰԭ Journal of Business Research, 141(3), 600-618.

Vlas, RE, Nguyen, H, Vlas, CO (2021) ӰԭA theoretical exploration of out-group vs in-group perspectives on the dynamics of team effectivenessӰԭ Team Performance Management, 28(1/2), 45-60.

Peng, MW, Lebedev, S, Vlas, CO, Wang, J, Shay, J (2018) ӰԭThe growth of the firm in (and out of) emerging economies,Ӱԭ Asia-Pacific Journal of Management, 35(4), 829-857.

Peng, MW, Sun, W, Vlas, CO, Minichilli, A, Corbetta, G (2018) ӰԭAn institution-based view of large family firms: A recap and overviewӰԭ Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 42(2), 187-205.

Peng, MW, Vlas, CO (2017) ӰԭDiffusion of a twentieth-century innovationӰԭ Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 16(1), 172-174.

Yuan, C, Li, Y, Vlas, CO, Peng, MW (2016) ӰԭDynamic capabilities, subnational environment, and university technology transferӰԭ Strategic Organization, 16(1), 35-60.

Vlas, RE, Vlas, CO (2016) ӰԭThe role of internal and network constraints on alliance ambidexterity decisions in technology-intensive industriesӰԭ Asia-Pacific Journal of Information Systems, 26(2), 299-321.

Conference Participation
  • Academy of Management Conference, 2016 Ӱԭ 2024
  • Strategic Management Society Conference, 2016 Ӱԭ 2020
  • Eastern Academy of Management (International) Conference, 2015 Ӱԭ 2024
  • Southwest Academy of Management Conference, 2016
  • Theories of Family Enterprise Conference, 2016
  • ASE/IEEE Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk, and Trust, 2013
  • Innovation Conference on Automation and Robotics, 2012
  • Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2011
  • Midwest Association for Information Systems Conference, 2011
Teaching Interests

Strategic Management, Technology and Innovation Management, Global (International) Business, Diversity Issues in Management

Teaching Experience

Strategic Management (Capstone), International Business (Capstone), Statistical Analysis