Student Handbook and Code of Conduct

The Student Handbook, which includes the University Code of Conduct, is available at
The Student Handbook, the , and the are the major sources of information about the University of New Haven. The handbook is a resource guide, a reference for you to come back to whenever you need it. For example, you may not be concerned now with graduation procedures, financial aid, or where lost and found items are located, but when you need information on these or other topics, this handbook is one of the first places to check. The handbook was created with advice from students, to be a source of accurate information about the University, its services and activities, procedures for getting things done, and people on campus who can assist you.
It is the responsibility of all University students to become familiar with the contents of this handbook. The Policies and Regulations section, for instance, contains important University policies covering such concerns as grading, the student conduct system procedures, and much more. The Residential Life section contains information specific to resident students and their guests.