Following the program, trained COASTers will work with University of New Haven faculty at public community events, where they will introduce members of our local communities to our shared ӰԭBlue Backyard,Ӱԭ Long Island Sound.
In the past year, trained COASTers have brought what theyӰԭve learned from the program to the public at local events.
Fall 2023
"Coastal Cleanup and Exploration"
Part of the International Coastal Cleanup
COASTS partnered with Save the Sound to hold a clean-up event along the waterfront next to Long Wharf. Just like last yearӰԭs "WhatӰԭs in Your Watershed" event, this clean-up was part of the OceanConservancyӰԭs International Coastal Clean-Up and Save the SoundӰԭs Connecticut Clean-Up. As part of this effort participants recorded the trash and waste they collected, and this data was included in Save the SoundӰԭs . This event also featured nature walks along the New Haven waterfront guided by our program experts.
Download the Fall 2023 Flyer
Spring 2023
ӰԭCommunity Science Fair for a Sustainable FutureӰԭ
COASTS held a community event highlighting sustainable living and taking an active role in protecting our local marine ecosystems. The event was centered around a science fair featuring a diverse group of community members and organizations who all focus in some way on sustainability. Participants that set up displays and interacted with event attendees included the , , , the , the , the CPEN-Community Placemaking Engagement Network, and .
Download the Spring 2023 Flyer
Fall 2022
ӰԭWhatӰԭs in Your WatershedӰԭ
COASTS held a community event for International Coastal Cleanup Day to enhance the publicӰԭs exposure to the important subject of marine pollution and its impacts on local ecosystems. The event was organized with and the . In addition, the University of New HavenӰԭs Seton Gallery brought in , the NYC Department of Sanitation Public Artist in Residence, to participate in the event. This collaboration led to an exhibition at the Seton Gallery ӰԭTo Dissolve into the Hydrocommons, One Drop at a TimeӰԭ showcasing art created by sTo Len using pollution items found at the cleanup event.
The event was organized around a clean-up of the New Haven waterfront and featured short lectures from program experts Dr. Amy Carlile, Dr. Jean-Paul Simjouw, and Dr. Karin Jakubowski, as well as artist sTo Len. Participants, including COASTers from our inaugural training course, collected trash and discarded waste from the beaches and seagrass meadows adjacent to Long Wharf. Participants were also asked to identify items they feel could have potential for use by sTo Len. At the end of the clean-up, sTo Len selected items from the selected trash to use in his art exhibit.
Download the Fall 2022 Flyer