University Community Remembers ӰԭYoung Woman of VisionӰԭ
Justine Bernard Ӱԭ23 died this spring from injuries she sustained in a shooting in Atlanta. The University community came together on what would have been her 20th birthday to celebrate a person her friends described as Ӱԭoutgoing, funny, hardworking.Ӱԭ
October 5, 2021
By Renee Chmiel, Office of Marketing and Communications
The University community celebrated the life of Justine Bernard Ӱԭ23 on what would have been her 20th birthday. Fransheli Ventura Ӱԭ23 (left) and Madison Manzo Ӱԭ23 sang Ӱԭhappy birthdayӰԭ to Justine Bernard Ӱԭ23.
Fransheli Ventura Ӱԭ23 has fond memories of her friend Justine Bernard Ӱԭ23. They spent many weekends together, and, whether they were taking a trip to the mall or to New York City, Ventura says she was grateful for their adventures and for their friendship.
Bernard, a psychology major, died in June from injuries she sustained in a shooting in Atlanta, where she was visiting with friends. The University community came together on September 23 Ӱԭ what would have been BernardӰԭs 20th birthday Ӱԭ to remember her and celebrate her life.
ӰԭIt was an absolute pleasure being friends with someone as outgoing, funny, hardworking, reliable, and organized as Justine,Ӱԭ said Ventura as part of the ceremony.
ӰԭJustine brought kindness and thoughtfulness to her interactionsӰԭ
Sofia Martinez Ӱԭ22 hugs Hazel Crichlow, Justine BernardӰԭs mother.
Students, faculty, and staff gathered in the UniversityӰԭs Bucknall Theater to celebrate BernardӰԭs life Ӱԭ many of them wearing purple, BernardӰԭs favorite color. BernardӰԭs family members came to the University from her home state of New Jersey to attend the vigil. Ventura and Madison Manzo Ӱԭ23, both dressed in purple, sang Ӱԭhappy birthdayӰԭ to Bernard at the podium, which was also decorated in purple.
Rosemarie Lillie Macias, Ph.D., BernardӰԭs adviser, described her as someone who demonstrated warmth and compassion. She said Bernard had a strong interest in criminal justice and psychology and that her passing was a Ӱԭtremendous loss for the field.Ӱԭ She credited Bernard with lifting her up during their interactions throughout the Spring 2021 semester.
ӰԭJustine had intelligence, dedication, and she was helpful to her peers and professors Ӱԭ all qualities that would make her a great forensic psychologist,Ӱԭ Dr. Macias said. ӰԭJustine brought kindness and thoughtfulness to her interactions with others. During the pandemic, Justine demonstrated not only resilience but also grace during stress.Ӱԭ
ӰԭI know sheӰԭs with me, and I feel happyӰԭ
BernardӰԭs mother, Hazel Crichlow, thanked the University community for their outpouring of support. Sofia Martinez Ӱԭ22, president of the UniversityӰԭs Undergraduate Student Government Association, presented her with a bouquet of purple flowers.
ӰԭIӰԭve been told that Justine envisioned for herself a future of change Ӱԭ one of equity and justice,Ӱԭ said Martinez. ӰԭWe will see her lead these changes by the lives she has touched.Ӱԭ
Justine BernardӰԭs mother, Hazel Crichlow (center), speaks to the University community.
Those who knew Bernard described her as someone who was kind, selfless, and who, from an early age, had a strong sense of justice. Sheahon Zenger, Ph.D., director of athletics and recreation, said that, as a kid, Bernard gave her lunch money to help those in need and regularly visited nursing homes.
ӰԭShe was a young woman of vision Ӱԭ for how she saw the world and how she wanted it to be,Ӱԭ he said. ӰԭJustine will always live in our hearts and our collective souls.Ӱԭ
Ventura, BernardӰԭs friend, says she continues to feel BernardӰԭs presence and draw comfort from it. Describing butterflies as ӰԭJustineӰԭs symbol,Ӱԭ she told the University community that she recently looked out a window to see Ӱԭthe most beautiful monarchӰԭ land on the only purple flower in view. She says she finds joy in these reminders of her friend, and she encouraged the University community to leave the vigil happy, urging them to celebrate BernardӰԭs life and her memory.
ӰԭI know sheӰԭs with me, and I feel happy,Ӱԭ she said. ӰԭBeing able to look back on the great times and laughs I had with Justine gives me honor that I got to experience her brightness.Ӱԭ