WomenӰԭs Leadership Council Supports Diverse Initiatives Focused on Empowerment
The UniversityӰԭs WomenӰԭs Leadership Council recently awarded a series of grants to students, faculty, and staff to support their initiatives that will empower and support women across the University community.
March 6, 2022
By Renee Chmiel, Office of Marketing and Communications
Members of the University community network at a WomenӰԭs Leadership Council event before the pandemic.
Josephine Moran Ӱԭ01 M.S., Ӱԭ19 EMBA is committed to supporting current students at the University and to enabling women to succeed. As co-chair of the UniversityӰԭs WomenӰԭs Leadership Council (WLC), she is excited about the empowerment and educational opportunities the WLC is creating for members of the University community.
Endeavoring to help women reach their full potential by elevating undergraduate and graduate students at the University and strengthening their connections, the WLCӰԭs new is a way for the organization to expand its outreach.
The WLC, which was first conceived when Moran was named chair of the Pompea College of BusinessӰԭs Advisory Board in 2018, has awarded several grants to students, staff, and faculty members as part of its initiatives to empower women.
ӰԭT Women's Leadership Council is absolutely thrilled to participate in such an inspirational initiative,Ӱԭ said Moran, who serves as president and chief banking officer for , as well as a member of the UniversityӰԭs Board of Governors. ӰԭWe understood the significance the grants represented to the students, faculty, and staff who requested the grants, as well as the impact these projects will have throughout the University.
ӰԭT response from this program has been overwhelmingly positive,Ӱԭ she continued. ӰԭWe look forward to the tremendous outcomes that will ensue. Creating a venue that supports the efforts of our women students, faculty, and staff is an important priority of the Council and the University, and our hope is to inspire, motivate, and support our future generation.Ӱԭ
Moran spearheaded this initiative with Brian Kench, Ph.D., dean of the UniversityӰԭs Pompea College of Business. The grants were awarded to members of the University community who represent myriad academic colleges and schools and departments. The awards will support their important initiatives to empower women in the University community.
ӰԭT WomenӰԭs Leadership CouncilӰԭs grant program is fueling widespread grassroots womenӰԭs leadership programing,Ӱԭ said Dr. Kench. ӰԭT WLC believes this programing will develop future women leaders from all corners of the University community.Ӱԭ
Learn more about the grant recipients and their projects.
Vanessa Ort, assistant director of financial aid
Vanessa OrtӰԭs project will include a literacy series that will focus on women and financial topics such as retirement, banking, credit, debt management, and investing. The events and featured speakers will engage women in the conversation about money and enable them to network and develop important educational resources.
Vanessa Ort
Ort will collaborate with the UniversityӰԭs Financial Wellness Committee, which includes the Financial Aid Office and the Office of Residential Life. She looks forward to helping students develop their financial wellness, which, she hopes, will promote positive lifelong behaviors that foster success. Ort hopes to continue a conversation about financial insecurity, awareness, resources, and the wide scope of support available to University of New Haven students.
ӰԭHelping students understand steps they can take to financial wellness has always been my passion, stemming from my own experiences and desire to help others,Ӱԭ said Ort. ӰԭToday, I see more women who have access to a college education, but they are still struggling with other finances, including student loan debt, income disparities, and long-term planning. The WomenӰԭs Leadership CouncilӰԭs initiative supports the opportunity through this grant to foster the conversation about a sometimes intimidating topic such as finances, opening doors to empowering women to take control of today and their future.Ӱԭ
Claire Glynn, Ph.D., associate professor, research coordinator for forensic science, and director of the UniversityӰԭs Graduate Certificate in Forensic Genetic Genealogy
Claire Glynn, Ph.D., is developing ӰԭWomen Leaders in Criminal Investigations,Ӱԭ a speaker series and expert panel. A series of four online/webinar events will include panel discussions featuring women leaders in crime scene investigation, the forensic science laboratory, the courtroom, and in post-conviction review and efforts.
Claire Glynn, Ph.D.
Partnering with Lisa Dadio, M.S., MSW, Maria Torre, M.S., and Bridget Brosnahan, M.S., Dr. Glynn endeavors to recognize trailblazing women who are paving the way for current students while encouraging and motivating students to pursue leadership positions. The hope is that it will foster the inclusion, advancement, and recognition of women as members of the forensic science community, focusing on bringing women in science together.
Dr. Glynn hopes the initiative will offer opportunities for professional exploration, networking, and growth while inspiring students to become future leaders. Although a majority of forensic science graduates are female, the majority of leadership positions at local, state, and federal agencies and crime laboratories are held by males.
ӰԭWe are incredibly thankful to the WomenӰԭs Leadership Council for awarding us this grant,Ӱԭ said Dr. Glynn. ӰԭWomen make up approximately 80 percent of our forensic science student body. It is our duty as their professors to inspire our students by showing them just how powerful and impactful they can be in their own future careers.
ӰԭWe will hold two online events in the Spring semester where we will bring together women leaders in the fields of crime scene investigation and the crime lab,Ӱԭ she continued. ӰԭThis will give our students an insight into how these empowering women found success in their careers. Our goal is to motivate and encourage our students and alumni to become future leaders in the fields of crime science investigation and in the crime lab.Ӱԭ
Robin Salters, M.A., deputy director of athletics and senior woman administrator, and Jonathan Mays, Ph.D., associate director of athletics
Despite significant progress, female student-athletes nationwide report facing unique challenges related to their social identities, leadership characteristics, and career ambitions. Robin Salters and Jonathan Mays are concerned that, because strong female athlete leaders are often stigmatized by the broader society and sports culture, they are typically less likely to pursue meaningful leadership positions while in college or to display outward demonstrations of leadership, despite having the required experience and skills to do so.
Robin Salters, M.A.
Working with Matt Caporale, executive director of the UniversityӰԭs Career Development Center, Salters and Mays hope to empower Chargers through the Female Student-Athlete Leadership & Career Series. It will connect passionate and successful female student-athlete alumni with current female student-athletes to drive leadership development while providing mentorship and career and networking opportunities for current female student-athletes.
The series endeavors to elevate and empower female student-athletes to achieve their full potential on the field, in the classroom, and in their personal lives Ӱԭ both as students and in their careers.
The funding will provide opportunities for female student-athlete alumni to travel to the University to meet in-person with current female student-athletes. It will also allow the to sponsor a current female student-athlete to attend the Women Leaders X annual event hosted by .
ӰԭWe are excited that the University has established this grant program and are honored to have been a selected recipient,Ӱԭ said Salters. ӰԭCharger Athletics has a proud history of success for female student-athletes on and off the field of play. With this being the 50th anniversary of , this grant will provide opportunities for more than 220 female student-athletes to interact with successful alumni, engage in leadership training, and empower one another to enhance their leadership capabilities while on campus and beyond continuing the legacy of Chargers success for years to come.Ӱԭ
Aliza Johns Ӱԭ23, mechanical engineering major
Aliza Johns Ӱԭ23, vice president of the UniversityӰԭs Society of Women Engineers chapter and vice president of communications for Alpha Sigma Kappa, is excited to create opportunities for current students to network and engage with professional engineers.
Aliza Johns Ӱԭ23
Johns, who will be collaborating with fellow engineering students Madison Liguori Ӱԭ23, Malaika Matumbu Ӱԭ22, and Allison Sawicki Ӱԭ22, plans to help students form relationships with professionals. By creating a speed-networking event, Johns looks forward to creating a meaningful way for students and professionals to connect, and they hope it will aid students in their job searches, while enabling them to reflect on the impact women can have in engineering, which is still a male-dominated field.
ӰԭT is an all-inclusive registered student organization (RSO) on campus that empowers people to reach their full potential in careers as engineers and leaders,Ӱԭ said Johns, who serves as president of the UniversityӰԭs Class of 2023. ӰԭWith the generous funding from the WomenӰԭs Leadership Council, the Society of Women Engineers will be able to host a speed networking event that will allow students to reach out to professionals within specific fields and gain valuable knowledge.
ӰԭT Society of Women Engineers hopes to open doors for students and allow them to follow their dreams without letting a lack of connections or professional development get in the way of their success,Ӱԭ continued Johns. ӰԭWe will be able to host STEM professionals on-campus and receive that face-to-face connection. The Society of Women Engineers would like to thank the WomenӰԭs Leadership Council for allowing us to make this event the best possible speed-networking event to date!Ӱԭ
Vaishnavi Balaji Ӱԭ23 M.S., cellular and molecular biology graduate student
Vaishnavi Balaji Ӱԭ23 M.S.
Vaishnavi Balaji Ӱԭ23 M.S. will partner with Scientista, a hybrid recognized student organization at the University and a chapter of the , to offer a screening of the PBS Nova documentary . The documentary depicts the work and daily lives of a female biologist, chemist, and geologist Ӱԭ all of whom are potential role models for students.
After the screening, students will have the chance to discuss it, creating opportunities for networking. They will explore the challenges that women in the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields face.
ӰԭI'm so excited and honored to receive this grant and to screen Picture A Scientist,Ӱԭ said Balaji, a graduate teaching assistant in the UniversityӰԭs biology department. ӰԭT move is an important milestone for women in STEM, and Scientista has the same mission as the team behind the documentary: to show people what's it like to be a woman in STEM.Ӱԭ
Danielle Cooper, Ph.D., CPP, associate professor of criminal justice and director of research for the Tow Youth Justice Institute
Danielle Cooper is developing Leaders in Action: Power Networking Rounds, which she envisions as an opportunity to host meaningful conversations about a variety of challenges that impact womenӰԭs roles, such as leadership opportunities, prejudice, and mentorship.
ӰԭT project will take a multi-stage approach that allows for various stakeholders to engage in conversations that will help them in their roles while encouraging future female leaders,Ӱԭ said Dr. Cooper. ӰԭBy attending these networking rounds, participants will have an invitation for empowerment and belonging on campus that we hope not only impacts their work, but also how they see themselves leading in the future and mentoring other leaders. Not only can we foster inclusion, but we can amplify the belonging they feel as leaders on our campus, and, more importantly, the world.Ӱԭ
Kristine Horvat, Ph.D., assistant professor of chemical engineering and chemical engineering program director
Kristine Horvat will be using the grant to support Girl Power in STEM, a symposium to focus on the strides women have made in the STEM fields in recognition of International WomenӰԭs Day. Observed every March 8, International WomenӰԭs Day celebrates the myriad achievements of women around the globe.
Kristine Horvat, Ph.D.
In collaboration with Damaris Williams Ӱԭ24, a chemical engineering major; Shruti Sharma of the Advanced Energy Research & Technology Center at ; and Vivian Stojanoff of , Dr. Horvant hopes the symposium will enable students to connect with successful women in the STEM fields.
The virtual symposium will include workshops, keynote speakers, and hands-on activities for middle and high school and college students as well as the general public, enabling them to learn about careers in the STEM fields.
ӰԭI am grateful for this grant to help us enhance the event with additional speakers and a personalized event website,Ӱԭ said Dr. Horvat. ӰԭWe are organizing this event because we want to encourage women to pursue careers in STEM fields. We are also hoping to create an opportunity for current STEM women to discuss their career journeys and the challenges that they have faced, with the opportunity to give and receive advice from each other.Ӱԭ
Gabrielle Tayag Ӱԭ21, Ӱԭ22 MBA
Gabrielle Tayag Ӱԭ21, Ӱԭ22 MBA hopes to empower women through educational opportunities and confidence building. Her project, ӰԭLetӰԭs Grow, Girl: A Series on Professional and Personal Development,Ӱԭ will include an informational series culminating in hands-on work experience for participants, as well as a formal and long-lasting informational and support system that endeavors to help women Ӱԭ including minority women Ӱԭ succeed in business.
Gabrielle Tayag Ӱԭ21, Ӱԭ22 MBA
The professional and personal development series will include information seminars on a variety of topics related to business and the challenges that minorities face while enabling speakers and attendees to network and interact. Tayag, who will be collaborating with Khadija Al Arkoubi, Ph.D., envisions Ӱԭstory circlesӰԭ in which members can share their personal experiences in a safe and supportive environment.
The Community of Practice for Women Empowerment, the second part of TayagӰԭs initiative, aims to foster a community with shared academic and professional objectives that will foster collaboration. It will provide information to members on topics such as financial literacy, interviewing, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace.
ӰԭI am so excited to receive this grant because it represents an opportunity for institutionalized change,Ӱԭ said Tayag, who earned a bachelorӰԭs degree in business management from the University. ӰԭI cannot wait to create something so unique and meaningful to this university, and I hope that it will impact the lives of students for generations to come.Ӱԭ
Emily Watkins Ӱԭ24
Emily Watkins Ӱԭ24, a finance major with a minor in accounting, wants to help women and minorities achieve more representation in leadership positions around the world. Treasurer of the UniversityӰԭs Women in Business Club, she will be collaborating with the clubӰԭs e-board to develop the Women ӰԭnӰԭ Pride Leadership Program. She hopes it will help underrepresented genders learn to navigate challenges to leadership positions and opportunities for advancement.
Emily Watkins Ӱԭ24
Watkins plans to collaborate with the UniversityӰԭs Pompea College of Business to develop an in-person leadership program certificate focused on the requirements of todayӰԭs workforce, making students Ӱԭhire-ready,Ӱԭ with the knowledge and skills they will need to succeed as leaders as they enter the workforce. Focused on sophomores, juniors, seniors, and graduate students, the program will emphasize topics such as negotiation, emotional intelligence, and DEI.
ӰԭI believe that the University of New Haven is moving forward in ensuring that all students, regardless of race and gender, can succeed in the workforce,Ӱԭ said Watkins, vice president of the UniversityӰԭs Accounting Society. ӰԭT University is supplying women with the tools that they need to break through the glass ceiling that so many past women have had issues breaking through. This grant has allowed me to aid the University in this movement forward and upward, helping women succeed in male-dominated work forces.Ӱԭ
Shamare Holmes Ӱԭ22 MPA
Shamare Holmes Ӱԭ22 MPA believes it is critical for women to be each otherӰԭs biggest cheerleaders, but she acknowledges that it can, at times, be difficult for women to encourage themselves Ӱԭ let alone others. She is developing ӰԭConfidence ClubӰԭ to provide women with positive, professional role models and a safe space to develop self-esteem and social/emotional intelligence.
Shamare Holmes Ӱԭ22 MPA
Confidence Club will be a discussion group that meets regularly with a professional mentor. The curriculum-based program will enable women to develop confidence and leadership skills.
Holmes envisions the club as an extension to the Confidence Clubs offered by , a nonprofit based in New Canaan, Conn. These Confidence Clubs are offered to middle school students, and she plans to design the club for college women.
"I am truly looking forward to creating a brave space on campus for women who don't have the luxury or confidence to be vulnerable in the classroom, workplace, or even the comfort of their own residences,Ӱԭ said Holmes. ӰԭAs women, we have every right to allow ourselves grace and to gas ourselves up when we make power moves. What better way than to be surrounded by a network of like-minded women who endure the same pressures and stressors as it pertains to all things gender suppressive? Confidence Club: College Edition will serve as a reminder that women can do and have it all if they so choose to Ӱԭ especially when they're supportive and uplifting of one another."